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与 in between 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

To professional identity of kindergarten teacher majors, there exist such differences as: nature of kindergarten, age of the kindergarten teachers, years of serving as a teacher, the educational background, professional post and salary and so on, which can be seen in the following aspects: 1 the degree of professional identity of kindergarten teachers in non-governmental kindergarten is higher than that of teachers in governmental kindergartens; 2 the degree of professional identity of kindergarten teachers aged between 21 to 25 is the highest, while those aged between 31-40 is lowest; 3 the professional identity of kindergarten teachers who have taught for 2 to 14 years in school is of the highest, while those for 15 to 25 is of the lowest; 4 those whose academic background is intermediate rank are considered to be the highest in the professional identity while those graduated from the junior middle school are regarded to be the lowest, 5those whose professional post ranks second in primary school are the highest level in professional identity, while those whose professional post are of first rank are in the lowest; 6those whose income is between 501 and 1000 RMB are regarded to be on the top in their professional identity while those whose income above 1500 RMB are in the lowest level.


Also it synthesize the natural law on vegetation distribution and the present situation on urban forestry construction to define the main proportion on urban species actually:the proportion between aiphyllus tree and deciduous tree is 3:7; the proportion between arbor and shrub is 2:1; the proportion between coniferous tree and broadleaf tree is 1:4; the proportion between fast-growing trees and slow-growing trees is 1:1.The following tree species programmed in urban forestry construction of Qingdao on the above-mentioned demanding on trees planning in this thesis


This research tests that if it is efficient to use learning-theory in teaching and learning of table tennis. The research adopts the way that makes comparison between a tested boy group and a collated boy group, as well as a comparison between a tested girl group and a collated girl group. It compares the skill level between tested group and collated group, as well as the difference between interest in table tennis class and learning methods, with which it analyses the effects on students given by the using of learning-theory.


Normal working hours, B2-B1 between the need to add a positive voltage, E-B1 between the PN junction forward biased if the Canadian single-junction transistors that turn, after turn-on, E-B1 between the resistance will soon be reduced, to B2-B1 between the current rapid increase in current increase, so that the resistance between the E-B1 further reduced, so the formation of a strong positive feedback.

正常工作时,B2—B1间需加正电压,E—B1间的 PN结若加正向偏置,单结晶体管即导通,导通后,E—B1间的电阻会很快降低,使B2—B1间的电流迅速增加,电流的增加,又使E—B1间的电阻更进一步的减小,如此形成了强烈的正反馈。

Statistical methods were chi-square analysis and t-test.resultsstatistical significance existed in: mental and physical misery dimension between male and female students; perspective-taking dimension between students of arts and of science; imaginativeness and sympathy dimensions between class-leader and non-class-leader; sympathy dimension between only-child and non-only-child. no statistical significance was found among the students in city and village.

结果 男女大学生在身心忧急维度上差异存在统计学意义;文理科学生在观点取替维度上差异存在统计学意义;学生干部与非学生干部在幻想力、同情关怀2个维度上差异存在统计学意义;独生子女与非独生子女大学生在同情关怀维度上差异存在统计学意义;家住城镇与家在乡村的大学生各维度差异均无统计学意义。

This method undertakes comparative getting the area between the spare parts to equation of geometry of the face in model of CAD of different spare parts above all - surface contact relation and type, use amount coming back theory general face - the face expresses to be helix; relative to instantaneous motion next, the helix that goes up to many surface contact undertakes making operation,; of helix of the motion when making the opposite very short time between the spare parts is final, according to the spare parts abut concern plan and abut spare parts move relatively helix, undertook an analysis to assembling instantaneous of whole of the spare parts in the model to concern with drive movably, give out not between the method of calculation of helix of opposite instantaneous motion between photograph adjacent spare parts and them but the judgement method of drive sex.


First mostly contraposing hull deck structure it goes along FEA analysis, discuss the different influence degree of calculational results between the different simplifications of the mathematical model, thereinto mostly analyse five different simplifications of the deck model; Second contraposing hold section and hull deck structure it goes along FEA analysis together, discuss the different influence degree of calculational results between the different elements style, gridding number and gridding density, thereinto mostly analyse the difference between adopting 8 node shell element and 4 node shell element, nondense gridding and thick gridding, and numerous gridding number and few gridding number, In the end mostly contraposing hold section structure it goes along FEA analysis, discuss the different influence degree of calculational results between the different boundary conditions, thereinto mostly analyse the difference between adopting CCS boundary conditions and LR boundary conditions.


This essay analyzes the actuality of investigation in China Mass-economics and points out shortages of present investigation in the area: two falls and two disjoints , namely the fall between qualitative investigation and quantitative investigation, the fall between macroscopic investigation and microcosmic investigation, the disjoint between theory and practice, the disjoint between economical theory and communication theory; the causations of the deficiency are: from subjective view neglecting the localization of overseas achievement in Mass-economics and the investigation of ontology.


Results: B6-Co mice showed higher sterile rate, and significant lower average litter size and survival rate at weaning than the normal B6 mice, but the time interval between deliveries was shorter in the mutant population. During the first two weeks after birth, the growth performances were not significant between the mutant mice and the normal ones, but after that, the mutant mice grew much slower. The differences were significant in the indexes of eyes, lungs, thymuses, and adrenal glands between the genders. At the same time, the differences were significant in the organ indexes, such as lungs, adrenal glands, uterine and testicles between the normal phenotype mutant mice and the abnormal ones. And these two kinds of mice showed different amount of hemoglobin and red blood cell.


So we selected the colchicine optimumparameters were 0.2μg/ml and 6 hour cultured duration.The third, there were significantly differences percent between 10 hourgroups and other three groups (4 hour groups, 6 hour groups and 8 hour groups) in0.1μg/ml groups; and there were significantly differences between 8 hour groupsand 10 hour groups, but they had no significantly differences among other twogroups in 0.3μg/ml groups; and there were significantly differences between 10hour groups and 6 hour groups, but 10 hour groups had no significantlydifferences among other two groups in 0.5μg/ml groups; and there weresignificantly differences between 8 hour groups and other three groups in0.7μg/ml groups on the metaphases (P<0.05), in the experiment of the effect onthe mouse 4- cell embryo stage single blastomere of vinblastine with differentconcentrations and duration, by x~2 statistical analysis.


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Everywhere In Between
Time In Between
In Between
In Between
In Between Days
The Days In Between
In Between
The Space In Between Us
Somewhere In Between
In The In Between

This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
