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与 in between 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This study analysised the condition of Xinjiang's petroleum resource and made an evaluation and it points out that the development of petroleum and natural gas of Xinjiang is still in the developing period in which it aims at discovering the petrol field and increasing its reserves.Although it has a great exploring potential,because of its geograghy limitation and a lack of exploring funds,the exploring level is till low,even lower than the everage level of the whole country. The study is based on theories of industry distributions,its concentration,macroscopic analysis,government regulations and continuing development.From microcosmic and macroscopic aspects,it scientifically and systematically analyses the problems in the development of petroleum industry in Xinjiang.It points that the developments of middle and upper reaches lack a balance and have no rational industry structures.So it is hard to form an integral industry chains.Moreover,the upper reach covers a too much large proportion in the development,so it can not give a strong impetus to other industries.Based it,the paper points the industrial concentration of Petroleum Chemical Products Manufacture of Xinjiang should be enhanced and Input to Petroleum Chemical Products Manufacture of Xinjiang should be increased.Due to a lack of an established fair and competitive market and government's perfect laws and regulations on petroleum industry,it points that the phenomenon of mixed operation has become common in monolopied business and competitive business,so the systems of petroleum industry needs to be restructured.It states clearly that the country should take the development and benefits of Xinjiang's economy into consideration when making strategies for petroleum development .Besides,the allocation of profits between the center and the local should be well arranged so that we can guarantee the profits of Xinjiang ,considered as a resource area.It also reveals that we should not only overcome limitations of resources,environment,economy and technology on continuring development,but also we should deal with some realistic problems well.For instance,contradictions between the concept of limited resource and continuing development,the relationship between petroleum industry's own features and continuing development,the contradictions between the limits on supply of petroleum and the need of future development of continuing resource ,outdated petroleum technology and the need of advanced technology for continuing development,tremendous damages to environment and requirements of environment protection for continuing development and Xinjiang continuing economic development,outdated policy of industry and continuing development,the relationship between continuing development of Xinjiang petroleum industry and continuing economic development of Xinjiang.


The comparisons of biochemistry between OP and OR rats The differences between OP and OR rats included not only body weight, but lipids metabolism and insulin sensitivity as well, characterized with insulin resistance, increasing in serum free fatty acids and ketone body, and hepatic TC and TG in OP rats. However, no significant differences were observed in serum TG, TC, LDL, HDL and fasting glucose between OP and OR rats.⑶Comparisons of metabolites in serum, urine and liver tissue between OP and OR rats①There were significant differences in amino acids concentration between OP and OR rats,especially in liver tissue, such as high concentrations in ketogenic and glucogenic amino acids in OP rats, suggesting differences in amino acids metabolism;② The different metabolites between OP and OR rats included increasing of various saturated fatty acids and decreasing of polyunsaturated fatty acids in OP rats;③The urinary metabolites analysis indicated that different structure or metabolism of gut microflora might exist between the two phenotypes, which probably influenced the regulation of body weight gain;④The end-products of catecholamines in urine and intermediates of krebs cycle in serum in OP rats were all up-regulated, suggesting that the activity of sympatheic nervous system and energy metabolism was higher in OP rats than OR rats.


The T; LH and FSH level of serum of male schizophrenia were lower than that of normal control, but the PRL level of serum of male were significant higher than that of normal control, f There wsa a significant relationship between psychiatric symptoms and sex hormones level. There was a positive correlation between extreme and pugnacity factor of PANSS and T level of serum in male schizophrenic patients, There was a negative correlation between psychopathological scores and 〓level of serum in female schizophrenic patients, g There was a significant correlation between neuropsychological tests scores and sex hormones level of serum. There was a significant positive correlation between cognitive function and T level of serum in male schizophrenic patients. There was a significant positive correlation between cognitive function and 〓 in female schizophrenic patients.


By applying psychological measurement methods, the author compared volition quality between short track speed skaters with difference sports performances and genders in order to gain an insight into if there is a dif-ference in volition quality between them, and revealed the following findings: in terms of objective clearness male skaters at international master sportsman level are superior to male skaters at national master sportsman level, but in terms of renitency male skaters at national master sportsman level are superior to male skaters at international mas-ter sportsman level; female skaters at national master sportsman level are superior to level 1 female skaters in terms of renitency, determination, confidence and total score, and differences between them are significant; furthermore, by comparing volition quality between male and female skaters, the author found that in terms of toughness male skaters are superior to female skaters, and the difference is significant, but in terms of other 5 factors and total score, differences between them are not significant.

摘 要:采用心理测量法,从不同运动水平、不同性别短道速滑运动员意志品质的比较入手,了解其意志品质是否存在差别。结果表明:男子国际健将运动员在目标清晰维度上好于男子国家健将级运动员,但在顽强性维度上,国家健将级运动员好于国际健将级运动员;女子国家健将级运动员在顽强性、果断性、自信心3个维度和总分上均好于女子一级运动员,两者差异具有显著性;此外,比较男、女运动员之间的意志品质,发现男运动员在坚韧性维度上好于女运动员,差异显著,但在其他5个维度及总分上,两者差别不具有显著性意义。

Furthermore, out of 497 fAFLP markers, 80 special bands were found to be able to distinguish the four groups from each other and may be applied for germplasm characterization and molecular assistant classification of Meretrix clam.4 Molecular classification of two species of Meretrix clam based on fAFLP and ITS sequences4.1 The results of fAFLP maker analysis of S, G and W showed that each group had their own specific loci among which there were 53 special loci in W group, much more than those of S group (14) and G group (21). Among the 53 loci, nine were all dominant loci. These unique loci could be taken as molecular markers to distinguish W from other groups. The genetic similarity indexes and distance matrix between S and G groups were 0.9585 and 0.0424 respectively, but the genetic similarity indexes and distance matrix between W group and S or G group was 0.7939 or 0.7941, and 0.2308 or 0.2305 respectively. The results revealed that significant difference existed between W and S or G groups in molecular genetic structure. The phylogenetic trees by the methods of UPGMA and NJ also indicated that S and G populations were very closely related, while W population was a relatively independent cluster, lying beyond the species which S and G belong to.4.2 The internal transcribed spacer region of the rDNA from S group, G group and W group were PCR amplified and sequenced. The results showed that the size of ITS ranged between 1266-1269bp in W group, while those in G and S groups were 1614bp and 1520bp respectively. The GC content ranged 62.32-62.62% in W group while it was 61.77% in G group. The genetic distances between three populations of W group were 0.001~0.003, but it was 0.110 or 0.147 respectively between W group and G group or S group. Phylogenetic trees by NJ method also showed that G group was very closely related to S group, while W group was a relatively independent cluster.

在457个总扩增位点中找出了53个W的特有位点,远多于S群体(14)和G(21)群体,而且在53个特有位点中有9个出现频率为100%的位点,这些位点可以作为区分其它2个群体的特征性标记;S– G群体特有的位点有112个,其中有4个位点出现频率为100%,可作为S– G群体区别于W群体的特征性标记。S群体和G群体间的遗传相似性系数为0.9585,遗传距离只有0.0424,在NJ和UPGMA法构建的亲缘关系的树状图上均首先聚在一起,说明二者的亲缘关系很近,应属于种内群体间的关系;而W与S和G的遗传相似性系数均较小(0.7939和0.7941),相对遗传距离很大而且十分相近(0.2308和0.2305),在亲缘关系树状图上单独分出一支,也表明W与S和G群体间的亲缘关系较远。4.2 ITS序列比较分析通过对白壳文蛤、山东文蛤和广西文蛤的ITS序列扩增电泳、PCR-RFLP分析和ITS序列分析发现,W的ITS序列长度在1266-1269 bp,而S和与G的ITS序列总长度分别为1520 bp和1614 bp;从ITS1和ITS2长度来看,W分别为739-741 bp和316-317 bp,S为895 bp和414 bp,G为987 bp和416 bp;而从ITS碱基组成来看,W的GC含量在62.32-62.62%之间,而G群体为61.77%。W的3个壳色不同群体间的遗传距离仅0.001、0.002和0.003,S与G群体间的遗传距离是0.010,说明W群体内变异很小,而S与G群体间已出现明显的遗传分化,但还均属于种内群体间的遗传变异;而W与G和S的遗传距离分别达到0.110、0.147,两个类群差异显著,已远超出种内群体间的遗传变异。

The fiber length has only little influence on the basic density within the growth rings, and significant correlation at 0.01 levels was found between the basic density and the fiber length among the different rings. Only slight negative correlation was found between the basic density and the fiber width within the growth rings, but significant positive correlation at 0.01 levels was indicated between the basic density and the fiber width among the growth rings, contrary to that of fiber length. It was demonstrated that significant positive correlations at 0.01 levels between the basic density and fiber double wall thickness, fiber length to width ratio and double wall thickness to diameter ratio, significant negative correlations at 0.01 levels between the basic density and fiber diameter and diameter to width ratio, only slight negative correlation between the basic density and fiber width both in the same growth rings and among the different growth rings. No significant correlation was found between the basic density and the vessel morphological features, nor was the tissue proportion in the same growth rings. But among the different rings, it was found there was significant positive correlation at 0.01 levels between the basic density and the fiber proportion among the different rings, and significant negative correlation at 0.01 levels between the basic density and vessel-elements proportion and ray proportion, only slight negative correlation between the basic density and the parenchym proportion. Significant or no significant negative correlation was found between the basic density and the microfibril angle in the same growth rings, but significant negative correlation was found between the basic density and the microfibril angle among the different growth rings.


To achieve these goals, the following actions must be taken.First,the vertical and horizontal connection of city planning must be strengthened;balance be made between market system and local governments in allocating materials;cooperating systems between city governments be intensified;in order to guarantee the balance between internal structures of urban systems.Second,the stability of agricultural production and provisionment must be guaranteed;rural integration be accelerated;system of land transfer be reformed;rural citizens be given equal status in participating urban development and sharing the fruit of urban development;in order to guarantee the balance between rural and urban development.Third,supervision of upper governments must be strengthened;the "personal rationality" of local governments(the choice of short-term benefits for local area) be restrained and local governments be stimulated to bring into play "collective rationality"; scientific development patterns in active improvement of urban quality and steady enlargement of urban size be insisted;in order to guarantee the balance between urban and economic development,and the balance between improvement of urban quality and enlargement of urban size.Last but not the least,considering the crucial status of urban social development in deciding the socialist direction of urbanization of our country,it\'s essential that social development be made a political responsibility of local governments in order to guarantee the balance between the social and economic development of cities.


Results The length between posterior superior iliac spine and greater trochanter of femur was (15.2±1.35) cm for man and (11.5±0.72) cm for woman; the length between posterior superior iliac spine and ischial tuberosity was (13.3±0.87) cm in man and (10.3±0.49) cm in woman; the length between greater trochanter of femur and ischial tuberosity was (8.3±0.83) cm in man and (5.5±0.61) cm in woman; the surface projection where the superior gluteal artery, superior gluteal veins and superior gluteal nerve permeate the suprapitiform foramen was below the point 0~6.8 mm between 2/5 superior and middle trunk from posterior superior iliac spine to greater trochanter of femur; the surface projection where the inferior gluteal artery, inferior gluteal veins and inferior gluteal nerve permeate the infrapiriform foramen was at the point between 2/5 inferior and middle trunk from posterior superior iliac spine to ischial tuberosity; the surface projection where sciatic nerve permeate the infrapiriform foramen was at the point between 3/5 lateral and middle trunk from ischial tuberosity to greater trochanter of femur.

结果臀三角各边的长度分别为:髂后上棘转子间距,男(15.2±1.35) cm,女(11.5±0.72) cm;髂后上棘结节间距,男(13.3±0.87) cm,女(10.3±0.49) cm;转子结节间距,男(8.3±0.83) cm,女(5.5±0.61) cm。臀上动脉、静脉、神经出入梨状肌上孔的体表投影在髂后上棘与大转子连线中、上2/5交界处向下0~6.8 mm内;臀下动脉、静脉、神经出入梨状肌下孔处的体表投影在髂后上棘与坐骨结节连线中、下2/5处;坐骨神经出梨状肌下孔处的体表投影在坐骨结节与大转子连线中外3/5处。

AJ Liebling in 'Between Meals' says of the consumer They have made a triumph of the Delicious apple because it doesn't taste like an apple, and of the Golden Delicious because it doesn't taste like anything.


In between, Zahara and Pax each get special time.


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Everywhere In Between
Time In Between
In Between
In Between
In Between Days
The Days In Between
In Between
The Space In Between Us
Somewhere In Between
In The In Between

This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
