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in between相关的网络例句

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与 in between 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I was actually going out for several hours a…Prabhupada would speak in the morning and in the evening, and in between I would just meet with devotees and I would take a few hours off to beg people to give some donation.


There is another way of eating clay oven rolls in Taiwan – slicing the roll in half, placing a fried bread stick in between, and enjoy.


This paper presents the cache in the computer is technically the causes and how he is in the CPU and main memory in between.


A phrase has never run truer in this case, for diamante brooches and pins are very popular because they come in many designs, from animals, to flowers to hearts and everything in between.


In this dissertation, the optical implementations of integrated bypass-exchange switches and interconnection networks are investigated as the followings:(1) An electro-optic bypass-exchange switch integrated in a single substrate of birefringent crystal is proposed, which is polarization based, and consists of two beam splitters based on the phenomena of double refraction and inner double reflection and in-between an electro-optic modulator based on the electro-optic effect of crystal.


We're not sure we find the tale of 1,001 Arabian Nights to be all that "insipiring"(in it a king murders one of his many wives each night out of paranoid jealousy), but five Taiwanese jewelry designers have set out to design 1,001 rings in one month—and what do you know, one happens to be a Bluetooth headset vaguely reminiscent of something right in between a scarab and a doubloon.


In addition, due to the fact that I have used English-English dictionary for a long time, I am able to think in English and my brain is capable of free switching in between this two languages very easily.


My thesis explores a phenomenology of bodies that concerns artists and audience in the process of art, using such concepts as described in Merleau-Ponty and Experientialist writings. It is meant as a deeper look into the complicit connections that exist in between the artist, the work of art and the spectator, which I argue constitute a shared matrix for what we know as experiences of creation and reception.

本研究由梅洛庞蒂(Maurice Merleau-Ponty)与体验论对於身体的概念出发,探究艺术家与观众於艺术活动中的身体现象;研究的主旨在於建立艺术家、观众与艺术品之间的联系,并且探究艺术家与观众於艺术创作与观赏经验中的基础。

It was a dismal Sight to look at: The Ship, which by its building was Spanish, stuck fast, jaum'd in between two Rocks; all the Stern and Quarter of her was beaten to pieces, with the Sea; and as her Forecastle, which stuck in the Rocks, had run on with great Violence, her Mainmast and Foremast were brought by the Board; that is to say, broken short off; but her Boltsprit was found, and the Head and Bow appear'd firm; when I came close to her, a Dog appear'd upon her, who seeing me coming, yelp'd, and cry'd; and as soon as I call'd him, jump'd into the Sea, to come to me, and I took him into the Boat; but found him almost dead for Hunger and Thirst: I gave him a Cake of my Bread, and he eat it like a ravenous Wolf, that had been starving a Fortnight in the Snow: I then gave the poor Creature some fresh Water, with which, if I would have let him, he would have burst himself.


Every time that golden-haired girls and men in dirty linen came out and stared at him he returned to his post in front of the reading room, where, looking in between two advertisements posted on a windowpane, he was always greeted by the same sight.


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Everywhere In Between
Time In Between
In Between
In Between
In Between Days
The Days In Between
In Between
The Space In Between Us
Somewhere In Between
In The In Between

No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
