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in between相关的网络例句

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与 in between 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

If the external mirror is tilted by an angle of α, the diffraction images of in-phase mode exactly coincide with the apertures, while out-of-phase mode is imaged exactly in between the apertures, resulting in high loss.


However, in our tests around London, Ascot and everywhere in between, we found that getting a decent reception was very hit and miss (however in these areas we could access TV over mobile with no problem).


In between, players can venture down to Egypt to battle against the Mamelukes in the shadow of the Great Pyramid or try to hold off Nelson's destruction of the French fleet in the Battle of the Nile.


Under the current Land Resources Bureau in Beijing and the Beijing Municipal Construction Committee, and Albert, the network of intermediaries, such as Hua High Rice Company, in 2005 the sale of part of certain properties of tetracyclic and pentacyclic more in between the City project less greenbelt project, and the new disk is relatively concentrated geographical perspective, mainly in the Chaoyang, Tongzhou and Fengtai.


I was wedged in between Redruth and stout old gentleman, and in spite of the swift motion and the cold night air, I must have dozed a great deal from the very first, and then slept like a log up hill and down dale through stage after stage; for when I was awakened at last, it was by a punch in the ribs, and I opened my eyes to find that we were standing still before a large building in a city street, and that the day had already broken long time.


It could have turned out to be a "Disneyesque" melodrama sickeningly condescending in its portrayal of the villagers. Conversely, it could have been a lugubrious nationalist "epic," turning the villagers into puppet Victims of American Imperialism, climaxing with interminable shots of the Korean soldiers mowing down American paratroopers with machine guns, blood and guts splurging in slow motion. It could have been one of those "message" films in which the soldiers learn the true meaning of Peace by being assimilated into a Korean Shangri-la, its characters breaking out into song-and-dance numbers in between sage exchanges dispensing fortune-cookie "Eastern" wisdoms.


Even though at a very low temperature (-196℃), the cleavage cracking dominates the fracture process, it can not propagate straight forward through entire ligament and shows the pop-in extension in macroscopic tests and the quasi-cleavage mode in microscopic feature. It is found that the strong resistance which hinders the crack propagation is provided by three barriers: original austenite grain boundaries, bainite colony boundaries and inter-layers between bainite laths.


In the region, the winter mesospheric westerly jet lies at 75km altitude and in between 25°-35°N, which is 10km higher and 5°farther south in latitude that of the CIRA-86. While not shown in CTRA-86, there is a clear easterly band extending from the equator to high latitudes at the altitude of lower thermosphere in autumn.

在冬季,东亚区域中间层西风急流中心位于25°-35°N之间的75 km高度,与CIRA-86相比,该中心纬度偏南5°,高度偏高10km;在秋季,东亚区域低热层高度存在一个显著的从赤道到高纬度的东风带,而CIRA-86不存在。

In timelapse, through the drastic slowing down of speed in space, in between the delays and elongation for the finale of speediness and continuity, elasticity metamorphoses into virtuality, transcending ordinary perception of the temporal and the spatial, creating memory in a succession of variations.


Afterward he came around into Palestine, then wandered on into Europe, and at last when his money was all spent and he was in rags, wretchedness, and poverty, he stood on the shore of that bay at Barcelona, in Spain, when a great tidal wave came rolling in between the pillars of Hercules, and the poor, afflicted, suffering, dying man could not resist the awful temptation to cast himself into that incoming tide, and he sank beneath its foaming crest, never to rise in this life again.


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Everywhere In Between
Time In Between
In Between
In Between
In Between Days
The Days In Between
In Between
The Space In Between Us
Somewhere In Between
In The In Between

No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
