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Nature, most elements have two or more isotopes, the same kinds of elements in the quality of the various isotopes of different, but the types and proportion constant (except for radioactive elements). In 1961, the carbon content of the most abundant in nature, a kind of isotope, carbon-12 atom of a quantity and quality of C as a 12 mass units to it as "benchmarks" for all isotopes of an element according to the average abundance The ratio of the benchmark is the atomic weight of this non-prime, that is listed in the periodic table of atomic weights.


The study found the benthic diatom Epithemia sorex and Cocconeis klamathensis were the dominant indicator taxa separately in the Lake Luguhu and Fuxianhu, Amphora pediculus was the most abundant species in the Lake Yangzonghai and Dianchi-gingbao, There were a lot of the dominant taxon in the Lakes Erhai, Xingyunhu, Dianchi-youyicun, whereas the higher relative abundance taxon in these lakes were epilithic.

分析不同湖泊底栖硅藻的群落结构发现:底栖硅藻Epithemia sorex和Cocconeis klamathensis分别是沪沽湖和抚仙湖的绝对优势种,Amphora Pediculus是阳宗海和滇池金宝的绝对优势种,洱海、星云湖和滇池又一村的优势种类较多,其中相对丰富度较高的主要是一些附植性种类。

K, the parent element of 40Arr, has different abundance in coal and argillite, which can be used in analyzing the difference between 40Ar/36Ar values of natural gases produced from coal and argillite, and identifying the main gas source in coal source rocks. In this paper, the forming mechanism of 40Arr and its process of entering into gas pool are discussed, on the basis of which a method for identification of main gas source is developed.

本文系统地讨论了 40Ar的形成机理及其运移进入气藏的过程,利用 40Ar的母体元素 K在煤和煤系泥岩中的丰度差异,分析了以煤和煤系泥岩为母源的天然气 40Ar/36Ar同位素组成上的不同,并利用这种差异对煤系中煤岩或煤系泥岩为源岩的天然气藏的主力源岩进行了判识,继而建立了利用氩同位素组成判识煤系烃源岩主力源岩的方法。

The number of Chaetognatha was higher in Bering Sea than in Chukchi Sea. The density of dominant species determined the total Chaetognatha abundance and it was higher in south than in north.

研究表明:( 1 )两区共记录毛颚类 7种,可分为 3个类群,在数量上,白令海的个体数明显高于楚科奇海;其平面分布的状况主要由优势种所左右,并且都呈现出南高北低的分布格局。

According to the above study result, the diversity of microorganisms population in the SUFR system is complex and the bio-community formed in the SUFR system is stable. The close relations between abundance of bacteria and nutrients were found. The correlation between heterotrophic bacteria and COD was 0.949. The correlation between organic phosphate bacteria and TP was 0.815. The correlation between nitrosobacteria and NH3-N was 0.909. The correlation between disnitrifier bacteria and TN was 0.653. These inneglectable great factors effecting on phosphorus-uptake and phosphorus-release of phosphorus accumulating organisms are the influent COD、the concentration of DO、the sludge retention time、the temperature. The diversity of organic phosphate bacteria population in the SUFR reactor was complex and there is no phosphate bacteria taking the absolute superiority in quantity. The near-native pure culture method powerfully complement the traditional pure culture technique and enrich culture technique. The sludgy bioactivity is very good in whole SUFR reactor. By the quality of being biochemistry, the anaerobic phase is higher than anoxic phase and the anoxic phase is higher than aerobic phase of SUFR.

通过以上试验内容研究发现,SUFR 系统中的微型动物种群较多,微生物生态系统稳定;系统中微生物的数量与营养盐的含量密切相关,其中总异养菌与COD的相关系数r 为0.949,有机磷细菌与TP 的相关系数r 为0.815,亚硝化菌与NH4+-N的相关系数r 为0.909,反硝化菌的数量和TN 的相关系数r 为0.653;污水生物除磷工艺中进水COD 的浓度、DO 浓度、泥龄的长短、温度都是影响聚磷菌释磷及吸磷效果的不可忽视的因素;SUFR 系统中的磷细菌呈现种群多样化的趋势,没有占绝对优势数量的磷细菌;微孔滤膜近自然培养法是对传统纯培养技术和富集培养技术的有力补充;整个SUFR 反应器系统中污泥的生物活性很好,就可生化性来讲,厌氧反应器大于缺氧反应器大于好氧反应器;按照动力学方程式求出的细胞生长动力学特征值和SUFR 脱氮除磷系统工艺的实测值结果基本吻合。

Each unitis of different biotic characters and displays different features of seawater composition during the time. 2 The black unit including a biotic extinction was caused by oceanic anoxic event. Crisis that deepwater keeled foraminifera encountered represents a ferocious anoxia in deep marine environment . Biotic recovery in gray unit reflects gradually improved marine circumstance. What the biotic extinction at the C/T boundary in black unit reflects an environmental mutation, whereas the gradual biotic change characterize the recovery of marine dissolved oxygen environment in a stepwise process. The red unit is the result of oxic deposition and characterized by extremely abundance of foraminiferal faunas, which reflects a high-oxidized marine circumstance. 3 As the most ordinary biotic index in paleoceanography researches, foraminifera represent anexcellent environmental indicator in this paper.

三套岩层表现出不同的生物特征,并指示出当时海水的不同性质。2黑层段是大洋缺氧造成的结果,生物大量灭绝,深层水具旋脊有孔虫的所遭受的危机反映出当时海洋深层水体严重缺氧的特征;灰层段中生物的恢复反映出海洋环境自缺氧事件之后的逐步改善过程,与黑层段反映的C/T 界线处生物绝灭反映的环境突变不同,灰层段生物特征的渐变指示出当时海洋溶解氧环境的恢复也是一个逐步的过程;红层段属于富氧沉积的产物,特征是有孔虫生物的极度繁盛,反映的是一种高氧化性的海洋环境。3有孔虫作为古海洋研究中最常用的生物指标,在本文研究中显示了良好的环境指示性。

The absorption spectrum center wavelength of dolomite is near 232 μm is shorter than 235 μm of limestone,and thus RBD7 and RBD8 can be employed effectively to identify dolomite and limestone,respectively. Felsic rocks show AlOH and Fe3+ absorption characteristics in the VNIRSWIR region,while the maficultramafic rocks show Fe2+ and Fe,MgOH absorption features,hence the use of different valence state of iron and secondary minerals can distinguish them:ASTER band2/band1 represent Fe3+ distribution,ASTER band2/band1 represent the Fe2+ distribution,RBD6 can estimate the AlOH mineral abundance. Psammitic/pelitic schist containing phengite,chlorite,stilpnomelane,as well as the weathered surface covered by clay minerals,exist characteristic absorption spectrum in the 221 μm(band 6),and has a high reflectance in 165 μm(band 4),while the blueschist/greenschist show high reflectance in the 221 μm(band 6),and it exit low reflectance in 165 μm(band 4),and blueschist/greenschist appear low ASTER band4/band6 ratio.

白云岩的CO2-3吸收谱带中心波长位于232〖KG*3〗μm,与灰岩的CO2-3 吸收谱带中心波长位置235 μm相比,具有向短波长方向移动的特点,据此可以利用RBD7、RBD8分别有效的识别白云岩和灰岩;长英质岩石显示AlOH和Fe3+ VNIRSWIR吸收特征,而基性超基性岩石显示Fe2+和Fe、MgOH特征,利用不同的铁价态和次要矿物可以区分它们:ASTER band2/band1代表了含Fe3+矿物分布信息、ASTER band5/band4代表了含Fe2+矿物分布信息、RBD6可以估计AlOH矿物的丰度;砂质/泥质片岩含较多的多硅白云母、绿泥石、黑硬绿泥石以及风化后表面覆盖的其它粘土矿物,在221 μm(band 6)存在有特征的吸收谱带,并且在165 μm(band 4)具有较高的反射率,而蓝片/绿片岩在221 μm(band 6)反射率较高,不具有明显特征吸收谱带,同时其在165 μm(band 4)反射率较低,因此蓝片/绿片岩ASTER band4/band6 比值低。

The abundance and occurrence state of an element shows its difference in affinity and could provide important information for the geochemistry system and for the behaviors of an element in the system. The occurrences states of Pt and Pd in the parental rocks and in the fluid inclusions of the Western Guizhou Province basalt are studied. The result of this study shows the importance of determing the occurrence state of an element using its affinity, revealing that the PGE can be used in studying the migration and enrichment of elements in syngenetic fluid of the basalts.


In terms of horizontal distribution, stations near the coast have higher abundance and biomss of meiofauna. In terms of vertical distribution, 74.33% of total meibenthos is found in the surface sediment 0-2cm, 22.31% in 2-5cm and 3.36% in 5-8cm sediment.


According to the literatures about the gold contents in crust, rocks and sediments published in recent 15 years and a huge amount of reliable analytical data in the study about crust and rocks accumulated, it is recommended that the gold abundance in the crust and in the exposed crust are 1.0 and 0.8 ng/g, the average contents of gold in rocks, igneous rocks, sedimentary rocks and metamorphic rocks are 0.9, 0.6, 1.0 and 1.0 ng/g, the average contents of gold in stream sediments, flood plain sediments, shallow sea sediments and soils in China are 1.4, 1.6, 1.2 and 2.0 ng/g, respectively.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


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Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
