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in a rage相关的网络例句

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与 in a rage 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

English as a second language is all the rage in China. Gazillions of people are learning it.


This is not to say that berets will be all the rage this spring, or that Obama has promised a croissant in every toaster oven.


From a traditional concept regarding the Homo-source in Food and Medicine and point of view of Preventive Medicine, the combination of medicinal plants and functional Food will be all the rage and become the development trends.


And then I realized that this was not a new feeling, that I had felt this same rage percolate and disguise itself as a slow burn in the background of my consciousness before—whenever my husband would put me down or whenever my lawyer mother had insisted on being right.


On hearing the news of the battle of Borodino and of the abandonment of Moscow, Rostov felt, not despair, rage, revenge, nor any such feeling, but a sudden weariness and vexation with everything at Voronezh, and a sense of awkwardness and uneasy conscience. All the conversations he listened to seemed to him insincere; he did not know what to think of it all, and felt that only in the regiment would all become clear to him again.


But when it comes to more contentious political issues, hip-hop offers no plausible solutions; only impotent and sometimes self-destructive rage. In "Lost in tha System" by Da Lench Mob, for example, the vocalist says, of a judge: He added on another year cos I dissed him.

不过提到有争议的政治议题时,他们就只有泛泛而谈了,其中更是充满了无用的甚至是自暴自弃的愤怒情绪,比如Da Lench Mob在歌曲《迷失系统》所唱的:法官又给多判一年,因为我不爽他。

In addition, there was also a Road Rage Survey which studied the degree of overreaction, driver agitation, speed, lane changing, tailgating, and honking in drivers across the US.


Italian PIAGGIO company in on century 50\'s most classical most famous light cavalries motorcycle product, once because of "the Roman Holiday" the center miraculous glow one presently is all the rage the world at the movie, nowadays only has NEWRAY to obtain this section model the manufacture authorization, the extremely rare graceful modelling, the entire white, 1 to 6 ultra was great proportions, the entire vehicle completely is made by the zinc base alloy material quality, left side of trailing wheel Chu Wuxiang all might open, the steering handle might rotate, all wheels all are the activities, evaded including the trailing wheel shakes is hanging all is the genuine spring oh, entire Che Anyuan vehicle entire simulation manufacture, The ultra fine paint surface works, entire Che Touzhuo a Italy character and style is in sole possession of romantic breath, also does not lose the detail to decide all perfect principles!

意大利 PIAGGIO公司在上世纪50年代最经典最著名的轻骑摩托车产品,曾因在电影《罗马假日》中的灵光一现而风靡全世界,现今只有NEWRAY得到该款模型的制作授权,非常罕见的优雅造型,全白色,1比6超大比例,整车全部由锌合金材质制成,后轮左侧的储物箱都可打开,车把可转动,所有车轮都是活动的,连后轮避震悬挂都是真正的弹簧哦,整车按原车全仿真制造,超精致的漆面做工,全车透着一股意大利风情独有的浪漫气息,也不失细节决定一切的完美主义!

In the 1990s, when "managed care" was all the rage, she predicted correctly that such a dirigiste, cost-obsessed approach would alienate consumers even as it failed to rein in cost inflation ("I said, 'this fish stinks'," she recalls).


Rondo a Capriccio for piano in G major ("Rage Over a Lost Penny"), Op.


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Kill You All In A Hip Hop Rage

This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
