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与 impressions 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It is written as a book of "impressions" of a journey through the theory of complex algebraic curves.


Objective:To study the effects of water/powder ratio and pouring time on the accuracy of alginate impressions.

目的 :观察水粉比及印模放置时间对藻酸盐印模材制取全牙列模型精度的影响。

Such impressions ramify very widely, and masque themselves very subtly, in historical works written in the modern fashion; but I find the trace of their presence in the domain of jurisprudence in the praise which is frequently bestowed on the little apologue of Montesquieu concerning the Troglodytes, inserted in the Lettres Persanes.


If you do as I say, you will assent to your apprehensive impressions and to none other.


These techniques include impressions of the condition, character and appropriateness of a section of the collection.


Lonely Planet has summarized that "the most lasting impressions you'll take away of Chileans is undoubtedly of their renowned hospitality, helpfulness, genuine curiosity and heartfelt eagerness to make travelers feel at home", maybe this does not apply to Arica…..I have had the opportunity to visit this northern most city of Chile during the last Semana Santa weekend. It's a port city and also a stopover for tourists who are border crossing to Peru.

从小时候一只被气喘病纠缠着,所以在求学时与一切登山露营的活动绝缘,总觉得自己的体力不可能胜任﹐但却在后来却被本地摄影人KIM TEOH的'神灵的故居'感动了,再加上之前爬了金山牛刀小试后有了点信心,觉得如果错过了当时朋友所组织的登山团自己将会后悔,最后也就毅然参加了。

His first artistic impressions were formed as a boy,from his uncle who was an art dealer.


The new results also appear to support Solomon Asch's intuition , published in the first half of the last century, that the warm-cold dimension is central to the first impressions we form of other people.


Contrary to clinical impressions and to our hypothesis, the distribution of 0.9% saline in this animal model was not changed by bacteremia produced by infusion of Pseudomonas aeruginosa.


This is the article of property of a half paper, the author is the process that talked about his to read facetiae and impressions merely, enter the pornographic picture with barefaced purpose extremely without those at all of course.


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Foot Impressions
Bad Impressions
Lasting Impressions
Impressions Of You
Principal Punishes Students With Bad Impressions And Tired Jokes

This paper analyzes the compound attractor structure of a new three-dimensional autonomous chaotic system.


ON shut rivals out of their transmission systems and shy away from reinvesting their profits in network improvements.


Objective: Elucidate the medicinal licorice species circumscription in order to develop licorice resources in China and select new cultivars.
