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与 implications 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Due to his elaborative scholarship, Liu's studies on Zuo's Commentary were quite academic, and meanwhile reflected political and cultural implications peculiar to his days.


The body of this thesis is divided into four parts: Part One relates basic theories concerning judge's elucidatory authority, including its implications and character, its relationship with arguement-orientedness, and its value; Part Two introduces rules and regulations about judge'elucidatory authority in different countries in the hope for our country to draw lessons on; Part Three analyzes the present legislation situation of judge's elucidatory authority, emphasizing some existing drawbacks and necessity of constructing judge's elucidatory authority in our country; Part Four puts forward some suggestions on the content of judge's elucidatory authority to be constructed in our country, including five aspects of its fulfilling principles, fulfilling methods, fulfilling phases, legal effect and restraining mechanism.


Mechanism of low density lipoprotein release in the endosome: implications of the stability and Ca2+ affinity of the fifth binding module of the LDL receptor.

低密度脂蛋白在内涵体中释放的机制:与 LDL 受体第五个结合组件的稳定性和 Ca2+亲和力相关

Nuclearization of the family system and alarming increase of divorce, 2 Reduction of the number of children in a family, 3 Rising number of working mothers and womens equal right movement, 4 Lack of opportunity for parents to learn how to raise a child, 5 Steep competition and exclusive emphasis on scholastic achievement in school, 6 Marked changes in value orientations from traditional to modern ones, 7 Confusing and often contradictory advices by "experts" and "professionals" on child rearing and child education, 8 New tides of globalization and confounding co-existence of multi-cultures in most countries and emergences of virtual world, IT and BT industry in some advanced countries, resulting in new forms of psychopathology such as 'internet addiction' and extreme social isolation.Implications of these findings in terms of interventions and prevention for mental health children in developing countries are discussed in developmental, ecological and ethological points of view.

作者提出在大多数亚洲国家存在儿童抚养问题危机,主要依据以下观察:①避孕和意外怀孕②逃避和拒绝抚养,虐待儿童,遗弃幼童③不恰当的早期抚养④不恰当的/不够充分的教育,过度保护和过度控制⑤性别角色和态度改变⑥对智力发展拔苗助长以及学习成绩的压力作者还提出了以下几种现象,它们与亚洲国家的儿童精神健康有着密切关联:①家庭体系核心化和令人担忧的离婚率猛增②家庭成员中儿童数量的减少③职业妇女做母亲及妇女解放运动的兴起④父母亲抚养孩子经验不足⑤学校对学习成绩的过分强调合潜在的竞争压力⑥传统价值观在现代化的冲击中发生明显的变化⑦所谓&专家&和&权威人士&对孩子抚养和教育的观点众说纷纭⑧全球化新潮及多种文化共存的问题,虚拟世界的出现,发达国家IT、BT 工业引发新型精神病理现象如&网络成瘾&和极端的社会隔绝根据这些发现,如何干涉和预防发展中国家的儿童精神健康问题,我们将从精神发育、生物学、行为学观点进行阐述。

It has been known for more than 40 years and is one of the main implications of Eugene Fama's "efficient-market hypothesis", which states that the price of a financial asset reflects all relevant, generally available information.


Interactions between fertilizer addition, plants and the soil environment: Implications for soil faunal structure and diversity.


Interactions between fertilizer addition, plants and the soil environment: Implications for soil faunal structure and diversity.


Objective To study the clinical implications of changes of coagulation function and fibrinolytic system in patients with gestational diabetes mellitus.

目的 探讨妊娠晚期糖尿病孕妇的血小板活化状态、血管内皮损伤、抗凝及纤溶系统部分功能指标的变化及其临床意义。

This flattening of the knowledge world has profound implications for how societies will be organized and governed.


In this research, the corpora FLOB and FLOWN are adopted to investigate the application of will and shall. Finally, based on the findings, the implications for EFL teaching are discussed.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
