查询词典 illusions
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Their waiting in drunken illusions is the means of survival for modern man designated by O'Neill who is deeply influenced by the Nietzschen philosophy and impending World War II. Waiting for Godot exposes the absurd existence of modern man as well as Beckett's uncertainty of the world and concerns about human prospects under the impact of World War II and absurdist theories based on existentialism.
Situational wishes often seem to be granted, but the Grandest Wish of All is forgiveness of illusions, reflecting the All-Inclusiveness of Love.
Using a projection called anamorphosis to create the illusion of three dimensions when viewed from the correct angle, these four artists create some of the finest 3D pavement illusions we've seen.
Or we could argue that our onetime opposition to communism was noble and all that but that, unburdened by the illusions of the past, American business, backed by the American government, has realized that the problem with communism wasn't that it was undemocratic but that it was anticapitalist.
Of illusions which science can attenuate or destroy, but which it is powerless to enrich.
According to the SORMA members, the sound you hear on this album is their original image, and this made danceable is the previous "Illusions" album.
What still hopelessly confronts with it are no more than some illusions in his heart…Back to the ancient times, the legendary spirit and ambience have once governed the ancient time, stationing it in images/illusions…to receive them, to welcome them with open arms, with strained, graceful, enchanting and even stingingly coarse popular styles, might be the ultimate fascination that Hong Lei' s work gives us – a kind of apocalypse that alarms, confuses, dopes and attracts us.
There are many other areas where we perceive illusions veiling the truth and so we invite you to take a close look and to run vibrations that will lift the illusions.
If you're in the Matrix, then you've never had a veridical experience in your life; rather than illusions being rare exceptions, illusions are the norm.
In the pre-experiment stage, we analyze the colors and shapes of 135 visual illusions by Kitaoka, a Japanese scholar. The result is referenced in the formal experiment. Formal experiment includes three sub-experiments: Experiment 1 is to discuss the effect of the displacement of disjunctive center on visual illusions' movement; Experiment 2 is to discuss the effect of image layout on visual illusions' movement; Experiment 3 is to discuss the effect of color configuration on visual illusions' movement. Post-experiment stage is a repeat of formal experiment to confirm the results.
- 相关中文对照歌词
- Sweet Illusions
- Precious Illusions
- Illusions
- Illusions
- Illusions
- Illusions
- Illusions (Q-Tip Remix)
- Ilusiones (Illusions)
- Breaking All Illusions
- Illusions In G Major
- 推荐网络例句
Finally, according to market conditions and market products this article paper analyzes the trends in the development of camera technology, and designs a color night vision camera.
Only person height weeds and the fierce looks stone idles were there.
This dramatic range, steeper than the Himalayas, is the upturned rim of the eastern edge of Tibet, a plateau that has risen to 5 km in response to the slow but un stoppable collision of India with Asia that began about 55 million years ago and which continues unabated today.