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Mani, however, was the Apostle of Jesus Christ, ie the messenger of Christ's promise, that Paraclete whom he sent (apostolos from apostellos, to send) Mani's blasphemous assumption was thus toned down a little to Christian ears.

摩尼然而,使徒耶稣基督,即信使基督的承诺,即paraclete的人,他发出了(在Apostolos从apostellos ,传送)摩尼的亵渎的假设,从而淡化一点,以基督教的耳朵。

Mani, however, was the Apostle of Jesus Christ, ie the messenger of Christ's promise, that Paraclete whom he sent (apostolos from apostellos, to send) Mani's blasphemous assumption was thus toned down a little to Christian ears.

摩尼然而,使徒耶稣基督,即信使基督的许诺,即圣灵他发送(卡克拉从apostellos ,发送)玛尼的亵渎假设,因此低调一些基督教的耳朵。

By internal quantity (quantitas interna seu in actu primo) is understood that entity, by virtue of which a corporeal substance merely possesses "aptitudinal extension", ie the "capability" of being extended in tri-dimensionaI space.


By internal quantity (quantitas interna seu in actu primo) is understood that entity, by virtue of which a corporeal substance merely possesses "aptitudinal extension", ie the "capability" of being extended in tri-dimensionaI space.


The auxilium quo, on the other hand, is a supernatural help which bears immediately on the actus secundus (ie the performance of the action) and in this grace, in so far as it is distinguished from the grace of Adam, must be included the whole series of efficacious graces by which man works out his salvation, or the gift of actual perseverance, which gift conducts man infallibly and invincibly to beatitude, not because it suppresses liberty, but because its very concept implies the consent of man.

该auxilium现状,另一方面,是一种超自然的帮助负有立即对现实secundus ,并在此宽限期,只要它是区别於亚当宽限期,必须包括一系列有效的青睐,其中男子工程拯救了他,或馈赠的实际毅力,这名男子的礼物进行infallibly和战无不胜,以beatitude ,这不是因为它抑制了自由,但由於其本身的概念意味著同意的人。

Doctors point out that medicine of this type is harmful to bab ie s.


What they found were abnormalities in the brainstems of 31 bab ie s and 10 inf ants that had died of SIDS .


If the naming of bab ie s usually follows conservative rules, that of successful new products or services requires a completely different logic.


The first book of the Pentateuch is called by the Jews Bereshith, ie,"in the beginning", because this is the first word of the book.

第一本书的摩西五被称作是犹太人Bereshith ,即&在开始时&,因为这是第一个字的书籍。

This indicates that the IE of these aza-aromatic bicyclic molecules increases with the number of the N atoms. This finding may be attributed to the nature and the N atoms in the five-membered ring.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
