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The progress of the soc ie ty is based on harmony.


We're not specific superheroes (ie. Superman). So if we do our jobs well, I don't think there's a danger of being typecast.


He remains bloody but unbowed, ie He has suffered but not submitted


He remains bloody but unbowed,ie He has suffered but not submitted.


For the same reason efficient causes, as we see them operating in this world, imply the existence of a First Cause that is uncaused, ie that possesses in itself the sufficient reason for its existence; and this is God.

出於同样的原因,高效率的原因,因为我们看到他们在这个世界上,意味著存在的第一个原因是uncaused ,即拥有本身就是足够的理由来维持它的生存;这是上帝。

In referring the miracle to God as its efficient cause the answer is given to the objection that the miracle is unnatural, ie, an uncaused event without meaning or place in nature.


Note: Advancement opportunity and career progression are directly linked to a rating's manning level (ie, personnel in undermanned ratings have greater promotion opportunity than those in overmanned ratings).


The risk of undernutrition is also greater at certain times in a person's life, ie, infancy, early childhood, adolescence, pregnancy and lactation, and old age.


Our goods cannot be undersold,ie Our prices are the low est.


The relation, however, between this history and the epistles of Paul is of such a kind, ie, brings to light so many undesigned coincidences, as to prove the genuineness and authenticity of both, as is so ably shown by Paley in his Horce Paulince.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
