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与 ie 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

All this activity can, at least in theory, take place out of sight of the reader. One way to make this happen is to use the Worldwide Lexicon, a series of interlocking pieces of free software created by Brian McConnell, a software developer based in San Fran思科网络. WWL gives bloggers and media companies fine control over how their content is translated. A blogger can, for example, provide a machine-translated version of a post whenever the speaker of a different language visits his site.(Web browsers like Internet Explorer and Firefox specify the user's language when requesting pages.) WWL also provides a neat interface that, if enabled, allows readers to improve the translation of blog postings, for the benefit of subsequent visitors.

所有这些个活动,至少有理论上,是可以在读者的眼看东西假想线以外发生的其发生的体式格局之一是,施用Worldwide Lexicon,由安身于San Fran思科网络旧金山的软件研发者Brian McConnell创建的一系列不收费软件结合而成的字典东西WWL使博主和前言公司能很好的节制其内部实质意义被翻译的进程好比,博主可以供给给随时内肆意一个拜候该博客的读者一个和其语言般配的一个呆板翻译的版本(浏览器,好比IE 和Firefox 会在施用者拜候网页时施用用户的默许语言)WWL也供给一个简单明白的界面,在被拿获的条件下,许可浏览者为利便然后的读者阅读而修改以提高博文的翻译质量

Our support to not-for-profit organisations and charity projects is focused on the location of our business activities, ie the North-Moravian and Silesian Region, while we also support projects and not-for-profit organisations whose activities span all over the Czech Republic.


So you can understand why she turned down a good Job offer to work among refugee immigrants and low-income groups after she got her degree in social sind ie s.


If there is only one, different applications which are running at the same time share a single virtual address space, ie they use different parts of a single range of virtual addresses.


There is just about something left undone now that I have met beautiful Sita, ie mission being accomplished.

" 6 "我们只是对某些百废现在,我会见了美丽悉他,即任务完成的。

His paintings are rather crude, ie not skilfully done.


The vehicle was officially called "Tank AA, 20mm Quad, Skink", keeping up with the Canadian practice of naming vehicles after animals (ie: Ram, Kangaroo, Grizzly).


I'm no better than(ie I'm treated like)a skivvy in this house.


Fees are calculated on a sliding scale according to income, ie Richer people pay more.


Fees are calculated on a sliding scale according to income,ie Richer people pay more.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
