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Don't let the person that loves you cry heartbrokenly. There ie only one chance that you can hurt them so deep. After that,you can go from ''the irreplaceable one'' to ''the interchangeable one.'' Even if they still love you,there is something,something real,which has changed.


Can we hope that at least by the close of the 20th century we will complete the Hegelian trilogy of synthesis, ie the unity of all churches?


Baur regards the Hegelian process in its objective aspect, ie, the facts as things.


The presumptive heir/the heir presumptive,ie the person who will inherit the throne unless sb with a stronger claim is born


His name is Greek and suggests he was a Hellenist, ie, one of those Jews who had been born in some foreign land and whose native tongue was Greek; however, according to a fifth century tradition, the name Stephanos was only a Greek equivalent for the Aramaic Kelil Syr.

他的名字是希腊语,并建议他是一个hellenist ,即其中一人犹太人,他们已经出生,在国外一些土地,其母语是希腊语,但根据第五世纪的传统文化中,姓名stephanos只是一个希腊语当量该阿拉姆语克利勒

Several of the psalms are acrostic or alphabetic in their arrangement, the succession of the letters of the Hebrew alphabet occurring in various positions-the beginning of every verse, every hemistich, or every couplet; in the last-mentioned case the letters may occur in pairs, ie, in each couplet the two lines may begin with the same letter.

一些诗篇是acrostic或字母在他们的安排,继承信希伯来字母发生在不同的立场,开始每诗句,每hemistich ,或每对联;在最后提到的情况下,信中可能会发生对,即在每个对联两行可能首先同一封信。

Expose interfaces on class hierarch ie s.


Hughie cr ie d:"It never entered my mind that the old model was a millionaire."


5I had convinced myself that my analytic mind and my Stanford humanit ie s degree were enough to guell the fear.


Quarter fourth part of a hundredweight,ie(in UK28 lb or25 lb


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
