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In the Hebrew this prayer is arranged as an acrostic, ie, the first word of each verse begins with a letter in alphabetical order from A to Z. Hereafter we shall not give as much attention to every Psalm as we have thus far, but trust the reader to do the analyzing after the examples given.

在希伯来文这个祈祷是安排作为acrostic ,即第一个字的每一个诗的一封信开始的按字母顺序从A到Z今后我们将不给予足够的重视,因为我们每一个诗篇迄今为止,但信托读者分析后做的例子。

By internal quantity (quantitas interna seu in actu primo) is understood that entity, by virtue of which a corporeal substance merely possesses "aptitudinal extension", ie the "capability" of being extended in tri-dimensionaI space.


On this point I am adamant, ie my decision will not change.


Autoimmune Addison's disease is chronic (ie long-standing), and antibodies to the adrenal cortex may be detected in a person's blood many years before damage to the adrenal cortex is apparent.


Adelaide, the capital of South Australia, is one of Australia's best-planned cit ie s.


In addition to my physical woes I had mental agon ie s; I prayed that something might occur to prevent this meeting.


Having developed an understanding of basics, intellisuite is introduced in the context of mems cad with the aim of using it in the design and simulation of a simple mems device which will be subsequently fabricated using the clean room facility ie mask aligner, electron beam lithography, wet bench for chemical etching, sputtering etc.

制订了一项谅解的基础, intellisuite介绍了在微机电系统计算机辅助设计的目的是利用它在设计和模拟一个简单的mems器件将在随后采用清洁房间设施即遮罩同步,电子束光刻,湿法化学腐蚀板凳,溅射等先决条件:英国104 , 103太太,太太, 221 , 231太太,太太312 。

The Gospel-- This was preceded by a procession in tribunal analogii, ie to the ambo.

福音-在此之前举行了游行,在法庭a nalogii,即对安博。

The Formula of Concord deals with the following articles of faith:(1) original sin;(2) bondage of the will (affirming monergism in conversion and salvation by grace alone);(3) justification (stressing the forensic nature of justification);(4) good works;(5) the distinction between law and gospel;(6) the third use of the law (ie, the necessity of preaching law in the Christian community);(7) the Lord's Supper (confessing the Lutheran doctrine of the sacramental union and the real presence);(8) the person of Christ (emphasizing the communication of attributes of the two natures);(9) the descent into hell (Christ's actual descent and victory over the forces of evil);(10) adiaphora;(11) predestination (to salvation by grace for Christ's sake, but not to hell);(12) various heresies Anabaptism, Schwenckfeldianism, Neo-Arianism, etc.

该公式的康科德涉及下列条款信念:( 1 )原罪;( 2 )枷锁的意志(申明monergism在转换和救赎恩典,由单);( 3 )的理由;( 4 )具有良好的工程;( 5 )之间的区别,法律和福音( 6 )第三届使用的法律(即,有必要鼓吹法在基督教社区),( 7 )主的晚餐(供认路德教义的圣事联盟和真实存在),( 8 )该人的基督(强调沟通的属性的两个性质);( 9 )后裔到地狱(基督的实际后裔和战胜的力量邪恶);( 10 ) adiaphora ;( 11 )宿命(救赎恩惠为基督的缘故,而不是地狱);( 12 )各种异端邪说( anabaptism , schwenckfeldianism ,新arianism等)。

An anaesthetist (a doctor who is a specialist in anaesthetics) may also visit you to give you a pre-med (ie pre-medication) injection.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
