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It was found from the study that selenium and protein contents in foxtail millet landraces germplasms exhibited wide genetic diversity, some foxtail millet landraces with higher selenium and protein contents were identified and they will be useful for quality breeding and germplasm innovation.


Chemical identification of ODPs from extracts of larval frass,egg masses and midgutThe major ODPs of the extracts from larval frass,egg masses and midguts of O.furnacalis and O. nubilalis fed on an artificial diet were identified by GC and GC-MS.


To recover the time function of source, the deconvolution procedures based on least square method were developed, and to obtain the Frechet derivative of this function, we assumed it as a polynomial of tenth order, then the time function can be treated as a parameter to be identified.


After one night sleep, we, three free-minded girls, got up so early to meet our train from Delhi to Agra. But one act has never been identified here that the train is so crowded with people and passengers have to hold the doorframe like a hanging or sit at the top of the train. Someone told me before I came India. But this train set off on time. We agreed with Helen on the same fact that this train is the first class with breakfast, tea and boiled water service.

提前一个月的时间计划准备去印度旅行,在出发前还拼命的加班到夜里1:30,第二天搭了公司的顺风车早早的到了机场,同行的人一个都没见过面,只是约好了在机场的 Mcdonald 集合,我在那里等了一会也没见到一个象我这样装束的人,算了,还是打个电话给林雨音吧,结果他们都已经拿到机票到海关处填单子去了。

The paper presents an account of selection of frequency changer used for feeding pump of dense medium cyclone , effect of function of the frequency changer and the problems identified in its application.


Urban vernacular of its initial consonant and vowel and Guangzhou, then basically the same, so experts will be included in Guangzhou, with the Cantonese language is a different tone and different accents, the opening can be identified: lianjiang recorded in May, Suixi, and other places with the vernacular Guangzhou voice, the same as most of the finals, which is characterized by a more pronounced with Gaozhou, then the edge of the state fricative consonant, and the edge of the fricative consonant word more, so it was included in the "high Yang words."


There are two distinct methods in optical fiber sensor system for the observation of such fringe pattern and these can be identified as spectral domain processing, and phase domain processing.


I liked Fromm and identified with him.


In fungal diversity analysis, thirty six of 40 clones were identified as Neocallimastix frontalis and two clones as Aspergillus penicillioides and Pacecilomyces sp., repectively. And the other two clones were recognized as uncultured fungi.

在真菌多样性分析中,40个株系中有36个属於 Neocallimastix frontalis 。,二株各分属於 Aspergillus penicillioides, Paecilomyces sp。,另二株则属於未培养的真菌。

As of late 2005, three species of fruit bat have been identified as carrying the virus but not showing disease symptoms, and they are now believed to be the natural host species, or reservoir, of the virus.


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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
