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与 identified 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This part circles around eliminating what is irrational in the traditional patriotism, namely, patriotism is identified with royalism and exclusionism, and carrying forward what is rational in it, that is, the thought of being concerned about one" s country and one" s people and dedicating one"s life to the service of one"s motherland.


Although many of the genes that regulate development of the endocrine pancreas have been identified, fewer transcription factors involved in the exocrine development are known.


Over the past thirty years, a number of exogenous and host-derived chemoattractants have been identified.


Gene mutations in p53 gene exon 11 were identified in all samples, which had the same type and site.


PCR-SSCP was identified in the exon 3 and 3'-untranslated region of FSH-β gene.

1.5 对FSH-β基因第3外显子和部分3'非翻译区的片段进行了PCR-SSCP分析。

Based on it, the sampling data is disposed properly by applying the expectance and variance of statistic theory and the discharging state can be identified exactly.


We look for an identified celebrity or authority or a great explainer,a teacher.


5Tj H}!fYBB,j0We look for an identified celebrity or authority or a great explainer, a teacher.


The first fragments of a Hebrew text of Ecclesiasticus (xxxix, 15-xl, 6) were brought from the East to Cambridge, England, by Mrs. AS Lewis; they were identified in May 1896, and published in "The Expositor"(July, 1896) by S.

第一个片段的希伯来文Ecclesiasticus (第39届, 15仪, 6 )被从东到英国剑桥,为刘易斯夫人,他们确定了在1896年5月,和出版的" The Expositor "( 7月, 1896年)的S。

Have major hazardous risk connected with company's operational and management activities been identified, and what preventive actions, such as personal exposure suit, prophylactic for occupational disease, etc.

must pay attention to take 在贵公司已对哪些重要危险、危害作业和管理活动中的进行了识别,和需特别注意采取防护措施的的如使用个人保护装置

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We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
