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NEW YORK Feb 01 - Researchers have identified a myeloproliferative syndrome, defined by mutations in the Janus kinase 2 gene, that includes patients with a current diagnosis of polycythemia vera or idiopathic erythrocytosis.

纽约 二月一日-研究者已经确认了一种由Janus激酶2基因变异引起的新型骨髓增生综合症,这一症状现在被诊断为真性红细胞增多症或自发性红细胞红细胞增多

An O2-labile protein (hypoxia-inducible factor 1, HIF-1) has been identified that is hydroxylated and degraded under normoxic conditions but actie in hypoxia, where it enhances Epo gene transcription resulting in eleated hemoglobin leels and O2 capacity of the blood. The stimulation of Epo production at lowered arterial O2 tension can be maladaptie, if erythrocytosis deelops such as seen in high altitude habitants.

此途径因提高了体内血红蛋白水平,加强了epo基因转录和氧运输能力。epo 在动脉低氧情况下的产生使机体不适应--这种情况就如同世居高原人群中的细胞因子发生变化一样。

Methods:The foreign body in esophagus was removed through esophagoscope after it was identified with Electronic Gastroscopy which was used in the case of no detailed medical history and unconfirmed diagnosis.


A new technology, Supercritical Fluid CO_2 Extraction, was also supplied to study the plant. The technological parameter was optimal. Total extract of SFE-CO_2 were 4.86 times of the essential oil extracted by SDE, main active extracted constituents were 1.36% high than SDE. The chemical constituents of SFE-CO_2 were also analyzed by GC-MS. 57 constituents were identified, 29 constituents of them were first discovered. 24 constituents were discovered in two extract. Fingerprint is a good technology to elevate the quality of herb medicine. The main active fraction can be extracted by SDE and SFE, Fingerprint was studied respective, chromatographic parameter was acquired. 22 peaks were assigned common peaks in the spectrum of essential oil, 17 peaks were assigned to common peaks in the spectrum of SFE extract.


Results: The ultrasound extraction used ethyl ether superior to other methods of 5,identified 36 elements,containing the main esters,carbon-and second-category,at least acetylene category.


By using two color FISH with one euchromosome probe and one sex chromosome probe, the sperm with same color of two hybridization signals in one sperm head could be identified as aneuploidy sperm or diploid sperm.


Vegetative storage proteins in the Euonymus fortunei var. Radicans were identified by using optical microscopy and SDS-PAGE.


Vegetative storage proteinsin the Euonymus fortunei var.Radicans were identified by using optical microscopy and SDSPAGE.


Thirty-two species were identified from the samples, including 19 copepods, 3 amphipods, 3 cumaceans, 2 mysids, 2 chaetognaths, 2 cladocerans, and I euphausiid.


Anthocyanidins in Euphorbia pulcherrima were extracted and identified by use of UV-vis spectrophotometry, high performance liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry.


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objective:to explore the expression of survivin protein and its mrna in rectal cancer and their clinic significance.


9She was a lively young woman with patience and imagination. A born teacher, she thought she could turn a deaf-blind person into a useful human being.(SBIII L65)Born means (10)The purpose of the fence is to keep out a type of wild dog called a "dingo".
