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The rediscovery of this poem in the 15th century contributed to the eventual reemergence of atomic theory to chanllenge the prevailing Aristotelianism fo the Middle Ages, which conceived of the universe as filled with substance and rejected the idea of moving particles in a void.


This false idea was held to be true for more than 2000 years because of Aristotle's immense authority.


In the second chapter, elementary theories and ideas of one step forming inverse approach were described and warped modification method, implemented by Cook, was introduced into one step forming simulation and based on idea of surface spreading; new quadrilateral element modification arithmetic was put forward. By spreading warped quadrilateral onto plane in local coordinate system, a plane quadrilateral element whose shape and area were equal to original warped quadrilateral element was gotten and internal force vectors of four nodes and stiffness matrix of elements were improved to increase precision of simulations on this plane element.


This is simple GUI which gives idea of fuzzy logic arithmetic operation


The idea and arithmetical method can be popularized to various problems of uncertain reasoning decision-making.


I have no idea what sp ark ed their quarrel off this time.


Supporting the Razorback football team was central to the idea of being an Arkansan.


They rejected the idea that salvation was strictly in the hands of an arbitrary and capricious God -- violating, as it does, every principle of American democratic individualism -- in favor of an evangelical sympathy for Arminianism, which held that individuals could play a role in their own salvation.


The idea is to reduce the overall toxicity of the entire armory of pesticides.


They were thrown for the moment into embarrassment and hesitation, from which Arnauld extricated them by a subtlety: they must, he said, accept the condemnation of the five propositions, and reject them, as did the pope, only, these propositions were not contained in the book of the Bishop of Ypres, or if they were found therein, it was in another sense than in the pontifical document; the idea of Jansenius was the same as that of St.

他们投掷为时刻到尴尬和犹豫,从哪个arnauld摆脱他们由一个微妙的:他们必须,他说,接受谴责五个主张,并拒绝他们,像教宗,只有,这些主张没有载在这本书中的主教伊普尔,或如果他们被发现的地方,这是从另一个意义上讲,比在宗座文件; jansenius的想法是一样的,即圣奥古斯丁,而教会也不能,也不希望,谴责。

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Bad Idea
Don't Shoot The Messenger (Not My Idea)
No Idea
Bad Idea
Bad Idea (Retarded)
No Idea
No Idea
Another Idea
I've Got A Great Idea

The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
