英语人>网络例句>idea 相关的网络例句
与 idea 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Ivanov , thanks …… your idea is correct , but our wolf spirit focuses on diligency and cooperation.I don't hope the wolf change our idea , I hope the wolf change our will .


Above all, emancipatory thought, change idea, establish brake handle to connect the new idea of the market.


The single wheat school and Taiwan school are the largest with lie in that Denmark pays attention to groups discussing very much, it is possible in 40% of the time of school Make groups report of panel discussion, remaining time was not used for having a class , but the school of Denmark quite paid attention to students view on anything In not giving a lesson, teacher will ask student issue constantly, even very much enthusiastical to is it is it say out their idea to make a speech to raise the hand student have, and just opposite in Taiwan We have few panel discussions, have an examination outside having a class, idea say come out us seldom too, compare as if passive study, the school of Denmark has not had uniforms like school of Taiwan either in addition, the reason with the uniform of school of Taiwan is , do not hope that students spend too much time in disguising oneself , they hope that students spend more time on the lessons , I think this is Taiwan with the biggest difference of Danish school.


In his response to this question Calvin rejected the Eutychian doctrine of the absorption of Christ's humanity by his divinity, an idea he found in some of his Lutheran opponents, and any weakening of the idea of a local presence of the flesh of Christ in heaven.


According to before view, it is to achieve drop an idea will be acclaimed, 2 be advocate board or will because of exsanguine and steep fall, and investor should take seriously most, it is to achieve drop an idea risk, 2 be advocate board opportunity.


Confucian female viewpoint had dominated Chinese female destiny for thousands years. Beginning with Lun Yu and the Zhuan of Yi King, this article discusses Confucian idea on women who had female gender. Beginning with Filiality and Confucius Poetics, the article discusses Confucian idea on women who had no female gender.


Occasionally you had broken up to think frowzily, new student website has a few to raise a clear profit pattern at the beginning, even if has, that no more than is advertisement, classify advertisement it may not be a bad idea, it may not be a bad idea of more accurate cent numerous advertisement, it is anyway from those advertisement large family (portal station and perpendicular station) the work of prize business, jump out this circle thinks, network advertisement market of China has how old, how many does profit have, the family status that more or less there is mature experience in this respect and perpendicular station are there?


But no matter do poineering work a few this years board roll out it may not be a bad idea, did not roll out it may not be a bad idea, ourselves should practice hard exercise to benefit the internal organs, make the reserve of a few industries for example, help an enterprise do do greatly strong, no matter be to go up,do poineering work board medium still platelet, can offer appear on the market high gradely resource.


Based on the research, the thesis focuses on the core values of the Creationconcept of "Exploitation of the Works of Nature" on the basic content, and summarizedthe three areas: Creative thought of pragmatic idea, the overall harmonistic thought andbest use idea of the Creator.


What's more, the idea of a humanlike computer will increasingly come to be seen as a kitschy, mid-20th-century idea, like hovercraft and dinner pills on The Jetsons.

另外,类人计算机的想法将逐渐被看成是一个二十世纪中期俗气的想法,就和气垫船或&The Jetsons&*中的&晚餐丸&一样。

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Bad Idea
Don't Shoot The Messenger (Not My Idea)
No Idea
Bad Idea
Bad Idea (Retarded)
No Idea
No Idea
Another Idea
I've Got A Great Idea

You need to lie low for a while.


If you do, you may just be pleasantly surprised.


The philosophy of mathematics overlaps with metaphysics because some positions are realistic in the sense that they hold that mathematical objects really exist, whether transcendentally, physically, or mentally.

哲学的数学与形而上学的重叠,因为有些职位是现实的意义上,他们认为,数学物体真的存在,是否transcendentally ,身体或精神。