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与 idea 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This idea was successfully embodied in James's artistic world-his novels is a perfect combination of the European aesthetic form and the American morality. But, so far as the social practice is concerned, his very idea of combining the American and the European culture to make up for the deficiency of American culture, his attempt to fill up the wide gap between the socalled"high-brow"and"low-brow"in American culture, as Van Wyck Brooks put in his book America's Coming of Age, is only another beautiful dream. This is so cruel a fact that James could only realize in his writing. This may also explains why his works lack in popularity. James's style is so elaborate and graceful.

本文认为詹姆斯重构美国文化的思想是一种继爱默生之后的又一种理想型文化模式的构思,这种理想与追求虽然在詹姆斯本人的小说艺术中得到了成功的实践——他的小说就是一种审美与道德的有机融合,内容与形式的完美统一——但是,我们也可以看到,詹姆斯关于融合欧美文化以弥补美国思想不足的设想,他那实际上试图弥合范·威克·布鲁克斯(Van wyck Brooks,1886-1963)所谓的美国文化中"阳春白雪"与"下里巴人"之间鸿沟的努力,到头来仍然只是一个美丽的幻想而已,这一点可以从詹姆斯的作品在美国一直缺少大众性得到证明。

Suddenly he hit upon an idea. He had an idea not wait for daybreak.


Could not sleep. Suddenly he hit upon an idea. He had an idea not wait


Suddenly he hit upon an idea. He had an idea not wait for daybreak. He jumped out of the bed and dashed to the field.


Another idea is to mount wings on the bottom of the hull—an idea apparently derived from airplanes, and the ship is thus called hydroplane.


A PATIENT: You guys have no idea, you have no idea man.


The government should adhere to the scientific concept of development, deepen the system reform of governmental administration, further clearly define the service idea, firmly implant in mind the idea of taking people as a dominant factor to solve those most direct and realistic problems that the mass care.


It examines entirely diffusing process of western cooperation idea in China and imitating practice of infector of cooperation idea.


For instance, because the job is busy,Wu Man of Chinese Shanghai girl sees a lot of office worker, have a meal in cafeteria everyday almost, then bud commute in the white-collar need the subway of the ground of classics and office building and other places sell organic the commercial pattern of only course, wu Man hopes to hand the idea of healthy diet to modern with this; The layout case name of the bavin of old Da · that comes from Kampuchea is " your business affairs solution ", its business plan is the blame productiveness orgnaization that is Kampuchea place, or it is office of financial insolvency big accountant the small company of high cost, provide petty gain, the client is custom-built the accountant solution of type; And year only Philippine girl of 23 years old Kailuolin Kua, criterion the Philippine food culture with aspire pure and healthy general pushs to the world: She will begin will Philippine have a kind of common orange kind the fruit applies in food, dressing and beverage widely, poineering idea is this kind of fruit treatment is become without candy, need not compress, the inspissation that can save 6 months juice.


For example:metaphor and cycle factors were never mentioned before;It is the important factor to analyse Chinese accient system reasonable core;the author emphasize that harmonious interhuman also is the important factors of reasonable core.Tochinese accient system ideas culture value,the passage proclaims the inner relationship between Chinese accient system idea and Chinese nation spirit and puts forward the point that Chinese accient system idea is the philosophy base of Chinese nation spirit,especially of partriotism sprit.if grasping this point,it undoubtly has reality meaning study and perform "three represents"essencial thought and reinforce nation sprit and partriotism education.


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Bad Idea
Don't Shoot The Messenger (Not My Idea)
No Idea
Bad Idea
Bad Idea (Retarded)
No Idea
No Idea
Another Idea
I've Got A Great Idea

You need to lie low for a while.


If you do, you may just be pleasantly surprised.


The philosophy of mathematics overlaps with metaphysics because some positions are realistic in the sense that they hold that mathematical objects really exist, whether transcendentally, physically, or mentally.

哲学的数学与形而上学的重叠,因为有些职位是现实的意义上,他们认为,数学物体真的存在,是否transcendentally ,身体或精神。