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Photodynamic therapy is a new therapeutics to diagnose and cure aliment by photodynamic action.

光动力疗法(Photodynamic Therapy,PDT),是一微侵袭性、引起局部组织破坏的、非产热性治疗手段,是利用光动力反应进行疾病诊断和治疗的医疗技术。

Here is alist of facts on the History of this deadly disease for which the cure is still on the way.


Usually from 1to 15 minutes is required for curing, although a recently devloped alkyd plastic will cure in less than 25 seconds.

通常需要1到 15 分钟的时间被硬化,虽然一个最近发展的醇酸树脂塑料性物质将会在小于 25 秒中硬化。

In the case that there is no right-about yet in the definition of function and the arrangement for property system of state-owned enterprises, it depends, to great extent, on the layout of frameworks of cure and factors of personnel, of which the operators' mechanism of choice, evaluation, motivation and restriction is the most crucial factor, to ensure to keep the existing advantage of "separation of two powers" featuring in the modern business system while steering clear of the loss from agency caused by the uneven allocation of profits between operators and owners.


At present there is no effective therapeutics to treat PD except the allopathy. The discovery of neural stem cells in the adult mammalian brain provides a new chance to effect a radical cure on PD. But how to make the limited neural stem cells proliferating enough and differentiating into the dopaminergic neurons which can repair the nigrostriatal pathway and help to eliminate the PD symptoms becomes an urgent problem.


objective to raise the level of regarding congnition,prevention,diagnosis and therapy on multiple organ dysfunction syndrome.methods report the process and correlative therapy on one case who occured with mods involving 6 organs after hemorrhagic shock lead to heartbeat and respiration stopping suddenly and resuscitated resulting in left nephrostome titanium nip falled off accidentally from left kidney lymphatic fastening.at the same time,the author reviewed correlative literature and introduce the investigative progress about mods.results one case who happened with mods following hemorrhagic shock,heartbeat and respiration stopped suddenly was diagnozed and resuscitaed.6 organ dysfuncted including brain,heart,lung,liver,kidney and the digestive system.after being given therapy integrated chinese and western medicines,allopathy and nutritional treatment,all circadian parameters of the case came back in gear and discharged at last.conclusion the mechanism about mods is very complicated.because of serious infection,hurt and oxygen-lack,excessive inflammatery reaction activates multifarious cell factors and inflammatery mediums,which improve the happen-rate of mods.wiping off pathogeny,providing life-sustain treatment and recognising sirs and mods in time and adopting corresponding therapy,such as treatment integrated chinese and western medicines,can improve the hit-rate of cure on mods.

作者:王静恩,蔡金芳,王志华,谢晓洪多器官功能障碍综合征;中西医结合;治疗;休克,出血性目的提高对多器官功能障碍综合征(multiple organ dysfunction syndrome,mods)的认识、预防、诊断、治疗水平。方法报告成功抢救1例经腹腔镜左肾淋巴管结扎手术后左肾静脉钛夹意外脱落失血性休克,导致心跳呼吸骤停复苏后再手术并发mods累及6个脏器功能衰竭过程及有关治疗,并复习相关文献,介绍目前关于mods的研究进展。结果确诊1例因失血性休克心跳呼吸骤停复苏后并发mods,累及脑、心、肺、肝、肾、血液、胃肠等6个脏器。经积极采取中西医结合对症、支持救治,各生理指标全部恢复正常,康复出院。结论 mods的发生机制非常复杂,在严重感染、创伤、缺氧等打击下,失控的过度炎症反应激活多种细胞因子和炎症介质的释放,使mods发生率升高。尽早去除病因,尽早给予各种生命支持治疗,尽早对可能发生全身炎症反应综合征、mods识别并给予干预治疗,包括中西医结合治疗能改善mods的救治成功率。

This is also a good way of altering your diet to cure your bad breath as well.


There is no cure for Alzheimer's disease and it is not at all clear what causes it.


Ancient recipes use it to cure amenorrhoea for stomach ache; we can use taohong siwu tang, jiangfu siwu tang as alternatives.


This kind of amylose can improve human immunity, and acts on the prevention and cure of cancer and AIDS.


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She says that, in addition to bring in animal such as tiger and rhinos , to near extinction .


Slim pulled him onto the front of his saddle. Jack held on to the saddle horn.


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