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与 hundred-percenter 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The orchestra, under the direction of Corelli, consisted of more than one hundred stringed instruments, plus trumpets and others, and the four best voices of the city sang the oratorio … for this important occasion a stage was erected on one side of the courtyard and was elaborately designed with balustrades, staircases, large twisted columns, and painted scenes representing the virtues; in the centre, at an opening in the front balustrade, was a platform for the singers.

" 10 "根据科雷利方向的乐团,超过100弦乐器组成,加上喇叭和其他人,最好的四个城市的声音唱起了这一重要时刻的舞台是在其中一个天井两侧竖立清唱剧。。。并精心设计的栏杆,楼梯,大的扭曲列和场景描绘代表的美德,在该中心,在一个开放的前栏杆,是一个歌手的平台。

His major works have "long hundred Chinese wall","Dragon Xinzi","Longmen new funding","take off","universe Kowloon Cup","Yulong Jinfeng","Coreopsis herald the break of day","six-screen" as well as Cao Xueqin, Lei Feng portraits.


His major works have "long hundred Chinese wall","Dragon Xinzi","Longmen new funding","take off","the universe, Kowloon Cup","Yulong Jinfeng","Coreopsis herald the break of day","six-screen" as well as Cao Xueqin, Lei Feng portraits.


One hundred eyes of 88 patients with corneal edema.


I firmly believe that we can actually fabricate a hundred-year Junhui and realize the grand goal of ascending world's top 500 enterprises under the direction 'correctitude virtue can encourage industry and harmony can make progresses.


Five hundred years before Cortes, Vikings from Scandinavia had also sailed far


"Cortile Construction"has been one of the construction styles being developed aggressively since the skyscrapers were built one hundred years ago.


The young barrister had brought a couple of dogs with him; and the country gentleman who gave fifty pounds for a pointer, and travelled a couple of hundred miles to look at a leash of setters before he struck a bargain, laughed aloud at the two miserable curs; one of which had followed Robert Audley through Chancery Lane and half the length of Holborn; while his companion had been taken by the barrister vi et armis from a costermonger who was ill-using him.


COTT CLARK: Most of the paint brands that we looked at had at least one sample that was above ten thousand parts per million, which is over a hundred times the current U.S.

cott Clark :"我们所调查的油漆中,大部分品牌至少有一个样本的含铅量超过10000个ppm,是美国现行标准的100多倍。"

You've owed me a hundred dollars for a month now,cough it up!


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Five-Hundred Days
A Hundred Million Roses
Hundred More Years
Hundred Dollar Bill Skyscraper
A Hundred And One
One Hundred Years From Now
The Frozen Four Hundred Pound Fair To Middlin' Cotton Picker
A Hundred Years
One Hundred Years
A Hundred Challenging Things A Boy Can Do

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
