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hour after hour相关的网络例句

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与 hour after hour 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

While patients are known to be at risk for wound infections during and shortly after surgery, the hour before the procedure may be just as important, according to researchers from England at the University Hospital of North Tees, Stockton-on-Tees.


After it is added into granular soil stabilizedwith cement, the delaying time can be lengthened from 3 hour to over 6hour, comparing with the mixture without SRA.


Chantelle gave birth to Maisie on Monday night after a five-hour labour at Eastbourne Hospital, East Sussex.

Chantelle 周一在东苏塞克斯郡的 Eastbourne 医院,经过5个小时的努力生下了 Maisie 。

One hour later, sarre dosage of oleic acid was injected through one side femoral vein by same wayAll rats were killed 3h,6h after operation, respectively.


Ccile Perez, owner of La Fronde, a typical Parisian neighborhood caf said:"In the morning, street cleaners in bright green uniforms sip coffee next to well-dressed businessmen; at lunch hour, working-class types rub shoulders with those of the latest fashion at the bar, while couples of all ages rub noses over salads; during the after-work rush, there is a steady soundtrack of clinking glasses combined with conversation; the constant, no matter what time of day, is the smoke that drifts through the air in curls and clouds, seemingly unnoticed."

佩雷斯是La Fronde,一个典型的巴黎附近咖啡馆的老板,他表示:&穿着明亮的绿色制服的清道工人早晨会来喝咖啡而旁边则可能坐着衣冠楚楚的商人;在午餐时间,工薪阶层会在酒吧与身着最新时装的潮人比肩而座;与此同时各年龄层的夫妇会边吃沙拉边擦鼻子;在下班后的酒吧高峰期间,酒吧内总是说话声夹杂着杯盘的叮当声。一天中无论何时,唯一不变的是人们抽烟吐出的阵阵烟圈,形成烟雾、向空中排放着,似乎被忽视了。&

Thus, H3 means 3 hours before H-Hour, and D+3 means 3 days after D-Day.


After another an hour and a half waiting in the crowded room, the number assigned to me was called through a PA system.


After another an hour and a half waiting in the crowded room, thenumber assigned to me was called through a PA system.


After taking over an hour in crossing the few hundred steps which separates the bridge from Kaluga Street and getting as far as the square where the Zamoskvoryetche streets run into Kaluga Street, the prisoners were jammed in a close block and kept standing for several hours at the crossroads.


Spanair Flight 5022 was packed with vacationers bound for Las Palmas in the Canary Islands, normally a three-hour flight. After a 90-minute delay, the MD-82 single-aisle aircraft, with 172 passengers and crew, tried to take off about


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15 After Da' Hour

No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
