英语人>网络例句>hour after hour 相关的网络例句
hour after hour相关的网络例句

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与 hour after hour 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

After the long day finishes, most pickers labour an extra hour to earn a rest on Saturday afternoon.


A NSW Fire Brigades spokesman said emergency crews pulled the woman out through the boot of her car about noon today after it dangled for more than an hour over the school building on George Street, Parramatta.

新州消防队发言人说,在该女子和车悬挂于Parramatta George街一所学校的墙上一个多小时后,紧急人员通过车后备箱把该名女子救出。

The reason is because after you reach around $200 most of the weak players will be long gone and you can expect PARP to throw you second best losing hands at you for up to an hour or so.


From now zero hour rises, oil of finished product of each gas station sells Shenyang begin to implement the price after adjustingNews background 2005, to international crude market, be eventful year.


After just one year,"Earth Hour" has become a global and sustainable development activities, up to more than 35 countries to participate in one of five million people.


I'd like a few hour of quiet after the day's work.


Bangkok airport shops in the whole country before security, it can not be easily shopping rush to buy some dried fruit went to security, everything goes smoothly, 8:30 check-in, 9:00 off the whole time, immediately after take-off watches will be allocated to move forward 1 hour, 14:00 Beijing time is not arrived at Shanghai Pudong Airport, the plane would quickly carry put on warm clothing, has returned to the winter, has returned to sweet home.

曼谷机场商店在全国安全之前,它不能轻易购物抢购一些干果到安全,一切顺利, 8:30登机, 9:00起飞的全部时间,立即起飞后手表将分配给前进1小时, 14:00 ,北京的时间并不抵达上海浦东国际机场,这架飞机将迅速进行穿上御寒衣物,又回到了冬天,又回到甜蜜的家。

Miss Yu said they were "abandoned" by the former Buzhuo village shop after Buzhe suburban, the rain-soaked, they stood at the roadside stopped for half an hour by car, but no one stopped.


After filtration of the air into a cold wind into the interior and motor in the 1.1 kilowatts, resulting from the effect of wind pressure 180Pa and 18,000 cubic meters per hour of air volume, the interior has the original foul smell of the hot air discharged through the doors and windows to achieve the cool, filter dust, ventilation, improve the efficiency of the effect of workers.


Times of measurements were performed before application, 1 hour, 1 day, and 1 week after application. Measurements were obtained by using Visual Analogue Scale and Lequesne's Index. No NSAID was given but superficial infrared ray therapy was given 1 week before and the week during the study.

分别於施用前,施用1小时后,1天后,及1周后,用Visual Analogue Scale及Lequesne's Index来评估其影响,研究进行前1周及当周,停止使用所有抗发炎止痛剂,但给予红外线浅部热疗。

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15 After Da' Hour

This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
