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hour after hour相关的网络例句

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与 hour after hour 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The results showed that the American shad fingerlings stopped opercular movement less than half an hour after anesthetia when the fish were exposed to concentration of MS-222 at 75mg/L, clove oil at 20mg/L and bezocaine at 40mg/L. The fish recovered to normal behaviors again after exposed in air for less than 10min when transferred into fresh water. The shad fingerlings had good anaesthesia for more than 12h at 20-30mg MS-222/L, 8-10mg/L clove oil and 20-30mg/L benzocaine. The anesthetic effects were enhanced at high water temperature and changed with fish sizes. Small fish were more easily in good anaesthesia than the bigger one in MS-222 while the opposite case was found in clove oil and in benzocaine.

麻醉试验结果表明:在较高麻醉浓度(MS-222为75mg/L以上,丁香油为20mg/L以上,苯唑卡因为40mg/L以上)下,鱼很快(30min内)停止鳃盖张合运动,且停止鳃盖运动的鱼在空气中暴露一定时间(10min内)后也能够复苏;在适宜的麻醉浓度(Ms-222为20~30mg/L,丁香油为8~10mg/L;苯唑卡因为20~30mg/L)下,鱼能够进入麻醉状态,且能保持很长时间(12h);麻醉效果随着水温的升高而增强;在20mg/L MS-222麻醉剂下,小规格鱼较大规格鱼更容易进入麻醉状态,而在10mg/L丁香油和20mg/L苯唑卡因麻醉剂下,小规格鱼却难进入麻醉状态。

TNF-α and IL-10 plasma concentrations were measured by ELISA. Results: Plasma concentrations of TNF-α fell significantly from (419.4±77.5) pg/ml to (168.1±55.4) pg/ml after treatment, much lower than that of MODS group (P.05), but we did not find TNF-α in the ultrafiltrate. The start of HVHF was associated with a significant and sustained fall of IL-10, which came to the lowest level in the 6th hour after new filter was used, thereafter remained stable during the observation period.


I am very pleased to be your guide for today's tour.We have a wonderful day for sightseeing and I hope you will have a great time.New Yock,nicknamed as "the big apple"has many places worth seeing.Our first stop this morning will be the Statue of Liberty,a major tourist attraction of New Yock.Then we'll visit the Empire State Building,which used to be the world's tallest building.After a lunch break in Chinatown,lovers of art may have a feast at Metropolitan Museum of Art.We'll spend two hour there and then head for Times Square,which will end our today's tour.

Yock在新的,昵称为"大苹果",有许多地方值得seeing.our第一站,今天上午将自由神像,主要旅游景点的新yock.then我们将参观帝国大厦,它曾经是世界上最高的一个building.after 午饭在唐人街,热爱艺术,可有一个盛宴,在大都会博物馆art.we '镑花两小时,有然后前往铜锣湾时代广场,这将结束我们今天的行程。

The index case was a 5-month-old infant girl who had anisocoria from 4 weeks of age. One hour after 1% apraclonidine hydrochloride was instilled in each eye, there was blanching of the periocular skin, and the parents reported that the infant was excessively drowsy. Two hours after receiving apraclonidine, the infant was taken to the emergency department for lethargy and unresponsiveness, with bradycardia (84 beats/min), shallow respiration (40 breaths/min), and blood pressure 115/85 mm Hg. Oxygen saturation was 80% but improved rapidly to 100% when oxygen was given via a face mask. Eight hours after receiving apraclonidine, the infant had returned to normal.

指标案例是一名5个月大的女婴,她从4周大时就有瞳孔大小不等的状况;在1%的apraclonidine氯化氢徐徐滴点她的双眼后1个小时,眼眶周边的皮肤即变白,而她的家长表示她变得非常嗜睡;在使用apraclonidine 2个小时之后,该名女婴因嗜睡和无应答性,以及心搏过慢(每分钟84下)、呼吸浅弱(每分钟40次)以及血压115/85 mm Hg等症候而被送进急诊室;血氧饱和度原先为80%,在面罩给氧后迅速回复到100%,在使用apraclonidine 8个小时后,该名女婴终于回复健康状态。

The index case was a 5-month-old infant girl who had anisocoria from 4 weeks of age. One hour after 1% apraclonidine hydrochloride was instilled in each eye, there was blanching of the periocular skin, and the parents reported that the infant was excessively drowsy. Two hours after receiving apraclonidine, the infant was taken to the emergency department for lethargy and unresponsiveness, with bradycardia (84 beats/min), shallow respiration (40 breaths/min), and blood pressure 115/85 mm Hg. Oxygen saturation was 80% but improved rapidly to 100% when oxygen was given via a face mask. Eight hours after receiving apraclonidine, the infant had returned to normal.

指标案例是一名5个月大的女婴,她从4周大时就有瞳孔大小不等的状况;在1%的apraclonidine氯化氢徐徐滴点她的双眼后1个小时,眼眶周边的皮肤即变白,而她的家长表示她变得非常嗜睡;在使用apraclonidine 2个小时之后,该名女婴因嗜睡和无应答性,以及心搏过慢(每分钟84下)、呼吸浅弱(每分钟40次)以及血压115/85 mm Hg等症候而被送进急诊室;血氧饱和度原先为80%,在面罩给氧后迅速回复到100%,在使用apraclonidine 8个小时后,该名女婴终於回复健康状态。

About half an hour after that, you can access your Clicky account again and start seeing some juicy analytics data flowing in provided that somebody accessed your website half an hour ago!


Results: During the development of spinal cord. NIDD mRNA was highly expressed at embryo 16 d and at postnatal 1 d, and co-localized with nNOS in the undifferenti ated ventral horn, as well in white matter. And then it decreased significantly till postnatal 12w. nNOS mRNA was highly expressed from postnatal 1 d to 3 d. The high expression of NIDD mRNA appeared at the 8 hour after spinal cord injury, and co-localized with nNOS in neurons of ventral horn, intermedial zone, the area around central canal and dorsal horn, and recovered to the normal at dry 7 day after SCI.

结果:大鼠发育过程中,胚胎16 d的大鼠脊髓中可见NIDD mRNA的高表达,在生后1d,与nNOS共表达于尚未分化成熟的前角,在白质也见NIDD的阳性信号成年后呈低表达;nNOS mRNA于生后1~3 d出现表达高峰;脊髓损伤后NIDD mRNA表达明显增多,在8 h到达高峰,分布于脊髓前角,中间带、中央管周围及后角nNOS阳性的神经元,7 d恢复至正常水平;nNOS mRNA在损伤后8 h达到高峰,1 d降低至正常水平。

Animals in those two groups were sacrificed at 24-hour, 72-hour and 7-day after model establishment, six were killed in each group at each time. The tissue of brain was taken out as soon as possible, and the activity of SOD was assayed with auto-oxide of pyrogallic acid.

两组动物分别于造模后24 h,72 h,7 d处死,每次每组处死6只,迅速断头取脑组织,采用邻苯三酚自氧化物测量SOD的活性。

Through hour after tedious hour, an man who killed 30 or more young women and girls preened for his audience.


The content of MIF in heart and kidney tissues of sepsis models was higher than that in the sham group, especially from the twelfth hour to forty-eighth hour after CLP. It indicates that MIF as a kind of late cytokine might participate in dysfunction of organs in mice with sepsis.

脓毒症发生后的12 h~48 h,MIF在脓毒症小鼠心脏和肾组织中的表达有不同程度增加,表达时相基本一致,提示N1F可作为晚期细胞因子参与小鼠脓毒症的发病。

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15 After Da' Hour

No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
