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- 与 horizontal 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
The experiment results prove that the boiler coking is largely reduced and the temperature difference of two sides of horizontal gas-pass is very small, when the 330MW boiler operate, the pressure of primary hot air parison is controlled beyond 12.0~12.5KPa, the O2 content of air pheheater is controlled about 3.0%, the door of OFA is opened to 30%, the buffle of the inner secondary air sleeve is adjusted to the minimum, the outer secondary air swirling strength and the baffle of the outer secondary air sleeve is regulated to the maximum and the outlet temperature of pulvervised mill is kept in 70℃.
A bulkhead, also made of plywood, was attached to the area just in front of the horizontal stabilizer.
Shrubs or trees, deciduous or evergreen, often from underground woody burl or producing thickened horizontal underground rhizomes.
In the processing of operating try to avoid horizontal burthen ,ensure the normal operatin and life time of using .
In this paper,cone-cylinder-mandrel forming and horizontal roll extruding technology for butt welding is reported.?
The analyzed the material of horizontal push rod and introduced the butt welding procedure.
It means that pavement with camber is simply supposed to be horizontal.
Big eyes to open surgery method is used to cut external canthus, elongated horizontal eye cleft surgery to make eyes bigger.
The following results were obtained: 1. Several multi-pore materials were compared and a nylon membrane was choosed to conduct experiments. 2. Two devices and methods for controlling negative hydraulic heads were developed. Coupled with the devices, a system for precise control of soil moisture udring pot experiment was developed. 3. Two times of pot experiment studying wheat seedling growth under precise soil moisture control were conducted. Some very important results were obtained. 4. Capillary rise, horizontal and vertical infiltration under different nagative hydraulic heads were observed. The concepts of "critical wetting distance" and "wetting coefficient" were proposed. The linear relationship between wetting front movement distance and cumulative infiltration amount was confirmed. Spatial distribution model of soil moisture and its simple derivation method were established.
通过该项目支持,获得了以下的研究成果: 1、比较和检验了不同多孔材料,初步选定了用于水分控制的多孔膜材料; 2、完成了两种负水头控制方法与装置的研究,并制作了仪器,与负水头控制装置配套,制作了盆栽实验用水分精控盆; 3、进行了两期小麦苗期水分精确控制盆栽实验,获得了一系列重要结论; 4、进行了不同负水头下土壤的毛管上升、水平入渗、垂直入渗研究,提出了临界湿润厚度、湿润系数两个概念,确定了湿润锋与入渗量的线性关系、土壤含水量的空间分布模型,土壤含水量空间分布的简单推算方法。
Chopsticks uses which in China, cannot knock , namely goes to eat when the waiting, cannot take chopsticks at will to strike or the teacup chopsticks cannot a horizontal vertical stroke alternately place in bowl side, is big end is a capitellum.
- 推荐网络例句
And Pharaoh spoke to Joseph, saying, Your father and your brothers have come to you.
47:5 法老对约瑟说,你父亲和你弟兄们到你这里来了。
Additionally, the approximate flattening of surface strip using lines linking midpoints on perpendicular lines between geodesic curves and the unconditional extreme value method are discussed.
Hey Big Raven, The individual lies dont matter anymore - its ALL a tissue of lies in support of...