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与 homogeneousness 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It is a new topic that rule of ground movement in deep dip angle coal seam mining, the coal seam angle is one of important factor of deciding the rule of ground movement , the overlying rock of steep coal seam mining have different homogeneousness in horizontal orientation.


It is a new topic that rule of ground movement in steep coal seam mining, the overlying rock of steep coal seam mining have different homogeneousness in horizontal orientation. Its complexity make the research of this kind of problem process is very inadequate.


In the same way failure area is not single andis more complex with decrease of scale of specimens. And failure shape ismore close to quasi-brittle failure. It varies with homogeneousness that thescale of specimens at which failure shape changes.(3) The failure shape of homogeneous specimens with crack is controlledby crack. But that of heterogeneous specimens with crack is controlled bycrack and heterogeneousness.(4) Acoustic emission doesnt appear until homogeneous specimens fail.


There are many factor which influence on homogeneousness duringcooling.


The homogeneousness of economic development in the direction of northeast-southwest is typical for its relatively small spatial difference.


Some commentators, because they have failed to grasp the homogeneousness of the book, regard it as a series or chain of songs.


However, due to various reasons, SED may cause a conflict between the production cost and the homogeneousness of transmitting electricity.


Focusing on the conflict, the relationship between SED and network homogeneousness of power system is studied in this paper. The variation of the network homogeneousness under different dispatch models is analyzed. It is concluded that dispatch mode, transfer capability and its distribution should be considered combining with unification, coordination and compromise, to improve system's ability of withstanding some unexpected accidents.


The similar forms of expression in Exodus 26:33; Ezekiel 16:7; Daniel 8:25, used throughout the Bible to denote the highest and best of its kind. Some commentators, because they have failed to grasp the homogeneousness of the book, regard it as a series or chain of songs.

参看类似形式的表达在出埃及记26:33 ;以西结书16时07分;丹尼尔8时25分,用整个圣经是指最高及最佳的一种)一些评论家,因为他们未能把握homogeneousness的这本书,把它当作了一系列或连锁式的歌曲。

The concrete work and main contribution are as follows:(1) The index indicating transfer capability homogeneousness is defined, and the new terms like homogeneous grid, grid according with economic flow are put forward. These new concepts describe the degree in which transfer capability is utilized, and they provide the standard for ideal grid whose transfer capability and power generation dispatching economy are in phase. So, new idea is introduced in transfer capability analysis.(2) The multi-objective function with generation cost and transfer capability homogeneousness weighted is constructed. The relationship between system existing generation dispatching and transfer capability is revealed through comparative analysis between security economic dispatch and security homogeneous dispatch, and the variation rule analysis between generation cost and transfer capability homogeneousness with the change of weighting coefficient.(3) Example analyses demonstrate that the difference between specific power system with ideal instance can be identified effectively using the above concepts and method.


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We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
