查询词典 hockey hall of fame
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The Hockey Hall of Fame has inducted over 50 former Canadiens players, as well as 10 executives.
With 206 playoff wins, Jackson trails only Hall of Fame hockey coach Scotty Bowman (223) for the most wins in postseason history....
赢了206场季后赛,杰克逊现在的季候赛胜场只落后于名人堂教练 Scotty Bowman 的223场,排名 NBA 历史第二。。。。。。
Torchbearer and Hall of Fame hockey great Gordie Howe carries the Olympic flame in LaSalle, Ontario, on Wednesday, Dec. 23, 2009, during the 2010 Vancouver Olympics torch relay.
Tampere has several interesting museums, including the Amuri Museum of Workers' Housing, the Ice Hockey Hall of Fame, and the Lenin Museum, which is the world's only permanent museum dedicated to the late Soviet ruler.
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By using competitive adsorption of activated carbom to remove unfavorable influence of carbon in carbonaceous gold concentrate on leaching process, the leaching rate of gold concentrate can be improved to 88% as compared with 10%by direct cyanidation.
The only thing you're ever gonna be king of is King of the Stupids!
The first thing you're asked to do is to turn off the light.