英语人>网络例句>hit 相关的网络例句
与 hit 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Daddy sits on a' front porch swinging Looking out on a vacant field Used to be filled with burley tobacca Now he knows it never will My Brothers found work in Indiana My Sisters a nurse at the old folks home Mama still cooking too much for supper And me I've been a long time gone Been a long time gone No, I ain't hoed a row since I don't know when Long time gone And it ain't coming back again Deliah plays that old church piano Sitting out on her daddy's farm She always thought that we'd be together Lord I never meant to do her harm Said she could hear me singin' in the choir Me, I heard another song I caught wind and hit the road runnin' And Lord, I've been a long time gone Been a long time gone Lord, I ain't had a prayer since I don't know when Long time gone And it ain't comin' back again Now me, I went to Nashville, Tryin' to beat the big deal Playin' down on Broadway Gettin' there the hard way Living from a tip jar Sleeping in my car Hocking my guitar Yeah I'm gonna be a star Now, me and Deliah singing every Sunday Watching the children and the garden grow We listen to the radio to hear what's cookin' But the music ain't got no soul Now they sound tired but they don't sound Haggard They've got money but they don't have Cash They got Junior but they don't have Hank I think, I think, I think The rest is a long time gone No, I ain't hit the roof since I don't know when Long time gone And it ain't coming back I said a long time gone No, I ain't honked the horn since I don't know when Long time gone And it ain't coming back again I said a long time, long time, long time gone Well it's been a long time Long time, long time, long time gone Oh, it's been a long time gone Long time, long time, long time gone Yeah yeah

爸爸坐在一个'前沿阳台摆动寻找出一个空置场用来填补与白肋烟tobacca 现在他知道这种情况永远不会改变我的兄弟们找到了工作,在印第安纳州我的姐妹的一名护士,老人们在家中妈妈还是烹调太多晚饭我和我已经很长时间了已经很久了不,我不是牺牲品一排,因为我不知道什么时候很长时间了这是不会回来再 deliah发挥老教堂钢琴坐月子,她爸爸的农场她一直以为我们会被一起主我从来没有意思做她的伤害说,她能听到我的声乐发声',在合唱团我,我听到另一首歌 i被风撞上路跑'和主,我已经很长时间了已经很久了上帝,我是不是有一个祈祷,因为我不知道什么时候很长时间了这不是comin '一拖现在我,我去纳什维尔 tryin '拍打大不了? playin '了百老汇发财'有硬办法生活,从群众举报瓦罐睡在我的车 hocking我的吉他嗯,我在哪里也成为明星现在,我和deliah歌唱每星期日看着孩子们和花园成长我们听收音机听到什么的乱打'但音乐是没有,没有灵魂现在,他们健全累,但他们并没有健全的憔悴他们已经获得的金钱,但他们并没有现金他们获得初级,但他们并没有汉克我觉得,我觉得,我觉得其余的是一个长的时间去不,我是打不到屋顶,因为我不知道什么时候很长时间了这是不会回来我说很长时间了不,我不是兄弟非洲之角以来,我不知道什么时候很长时间了这是不会回来再我说了很久,很久,很久了以及它的已经很久了长的时间很长的时间,很长的时间,经历了哦,这是一个漫长的时间去长的时间很长的时间,很长的时间,经历了嗯嗯

On a new, blank line, type 300 and hit Enter. Type 200, hit Enter.

一种新的空白行,键入300和回车键输入200 ,回车键。

An early hit,"Sunday, Bloody Sunday," carried a message of peace for Northern Ireland, while Bono and Clayton collaborated with Bob Geldof on "Do They Know It's Christmas," a hit that called attention to Ethiopian famine relief.


Nikki: Someone tried to muscle in on him; she got a hit man to bump him off, hit man grassed.


He has thrown the ball, as soon as I looked, the strength is not such strong, I then used the sacrifice bunt to hit, the ball has hit, was the infield grounder.


The main thing is hitting, but you need to get better at everything to play in the big leagues. You need to run, you need good hitting and you need the defense, too. I need to work on everything. I'm not a power hitter, but I want to hit for a good average. Maybe I'll hit in the second-hole, so I need to be good at bunting and moving runners over. That's my job, so I want to be good at it.


Bushman has run the model several times and warned him about an Asteroid that could hit us but in 2039, but Mr Bushman thinks that is going to hit now.


His mind was not exactly what you would call wandering but a bit unsteady and on his expressed desire for some beverage to drink Mr Bloom in view of the hour it was and there being no pump of Vartry water available for their ablutions let alone drinking purposes hit upon an expedient by suggesting, off the reel, the propriety of the cabman's shelter, as it was called, hardly a stonesthrow away near Butt bridge where they might hit upon some drinkables in the shape of a milk and soda or a mineral.


A thundering weapon creates a cacophonous roar when striking a successful critical hit. A thundering weapon deals an extra 1d8 points of sonic damage upon a successful hit.


East wind - 21 cannon-shot has 1800 kilometers at least, here emissive north can hit Russia, south can hit India.


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Hit The Road Jack
Hit The Lights (Tribute To A Night, I'll Never Forget)
Hit It
Hit The Road Jack
Confessions Of An Economic Hit Man
Feel Good Hit Of The Summer Part 2
Let Me Hit That
Hit Me (BBM Me) If You Miss Me
Hit My Line
Hold It Now - Hit It!

This paper analyzes the compound attractor structure of a new three-dimensional autonomous chaotic system.


ON shut rivals out of their transmission systems and shy away from reinvesting their profits in network improvements.


Objective: Elucidate the medicinal licorice species circumscription in order to develop licorice resources in China and select new cultivars.
