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与 hish 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Thus the detector can obtain hish anti-interference ability.

从 而提高了探测器的抗干扰能力。

Throughout hish ry, parsley has been used for cooking as well as for medicinal purposes ut has also been used for a lot more.


Results The study showed hish variations in prevalence of infection and infection intensity across villages,ranging between 3%-73%,0.1-100 epg,respectively.

结果 现场调查显示以村为单位的人群血吸虫病感染率和感染强度分别在3%~73%和平均克粪虫卵数在0.1至100.0之间。

The experiment carried out on flexible rotor test bench for torsional vibration measurement shows that the DK-Ⅲ instrument is able to accomplish hish precise measurement.


The control system for parallel-type double inverted pendulumthat features multi-variable,strong coupling,hish order and absolutely unstable in open loop,is studied.


The incidence of ONFH in patients with SLE is relatively hish within the first 3 years of SLE.The SLE Patients with ONFH are mole likely to have such clinical features as vasculitis,osteoporosis,high level of blood platelet,serum LDL-C and fibrinogen and exposed to high-dose glucocorticoid therapy.


In recent years, for effective use of the land, the construction of large civil structures, high-rise buildings with the development of machinery equipment. HThereH HisH HaH HtendencyH using the large and the pile at the deep foundation .In order to understand the pile bear capacity, the pile loading test for confirming the pile design is commonly adapted.


The article mainly discusses tunneling when there is more gas in the coal layer,utilizing the hish layer cracks using the hole in the high layer,in this way of inhaling the next layer gas as tunneling,the problem of the gas consistency above the ordinary level in some workplace because of the gas gushing form the next layer is sloved.


Methods A randomized cluster sampling was performed to obtain a representative sample of population in Xinjiang Hefeng pastoral area.Blood wag taken from 632 individuals aged 30 and older for measurements of total cholesterol,triglyceride,hish density lipoprotein cholesterolby automatic biochemieal analyzer.The serum levels of low density lipoprotein cholesterolwas calculated according to the formula.

采用整群随机抽样的方法选取新疆和丰县牧区年龄≥30岁的牧民632人为调查对象,其中哈萨克族325人,蒙古族307人;抽取空腹12 h静脉m 3ml,采用日立7600全自动生化分析仪测定血浆总胆固醇、甘油三酯、高密度脂蛋白胆固醇的浓度,并根据公式计算出LDL-C的浓度,对资料进行汇总,并采用t检验、方差分析或协方差分析的方法观察两民族间血浆LDL-C水平的差异,并进一步采用多元逐步同归分析的统计方法研究其影响因素。

Drug sensitivity tests showed that the resistance to gentamycin,levofloxacin,trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole,rifampin,erythromycin,elindamycin and tetracycline were hish among MuH and MuL strains,and most of these strains were multi-drug resistant.All strains were susceptible to vaneomycin.


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Every effort will be made by the organizers to locate the rescue arena away from magnetic fields such as underfloor wiring and


The company was founded by two people who used their talents to combine together and produce the perfect equation for a successful corum watch manufacturer.


Is it any wonder why school authorities don't want to lose their gravy train?
