查询词典 hijacking
- 与 hijacking 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
At last, this paper discusses the designation and implementation of a GIS/GPS/GPRS vehicle supervising system. This system produces a practical measure to resolve the problems in traffic control and management, such as vehicle hijacking, vehicle safe, vehicle management discommodiously.
The megalomaniacal Koong used political intrigue, theft and hijacking to increase his personal power in the Roon system during the early days of the Empire.
Terror attacks, the abbreviation "911" or "911", were on September 11, 2001 occurred in the US territory, by hijacking the multi-frame air-carrier aircraft to dash the skyscraping tall building, it is the suicide type terror attack.
Since the European Union Naval Force arrived in the Gulf of Aden and Somali Basin in the Indian Ocean back in December 2008, this is the farthest hijacking that we're aware of.
Treating translation a political activity, feminist translators stress the translating subject from the perspective of women. They put forward strategies including supplementing, prefacing and footnoting as well as hijacking to make women heard and eliminate discrimination.
In translation practice, feminist translators employ three radical feminist translation strategies, namely, supplementing, prefacing and footnoting, hijacking, even bluntly allege that translation is rewriting, and aim to give prominence to the female status among the texts, which makes the feminine "visible" in language so that women are "seen" and "heard" in the real world.
Make your money from hijacking , gambling , and heists .
Based on this, adopting the theory of registration hijacking and server impersonating, a new threat named bidirectional monitoring was proposed.
However, the Maroons inadvertently learned that the terrible terrorist organization "Austrian-Qaeda" In order to achieve our objective, hijacking an aircraft carrier is being implemented the conspiracy.
Yet, Long-arm jurisdiction is looked on as hijacking legally.
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With Death guitarist Schuldiner adopting vocal duties, the band made a major impact on the scene.
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Closes the eye, the deep breathing, all no longer are the dreams as if......