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The replacement of toxic and volatile organic solvents as reaction media or an efficient catalyst with environmentally acceptable alternatives are an area of tremendous importance in modern organic synthesis. Basing the review about solid-phase synthesis with simple separation, the liquid phase organic synthesis supported by the solution polyethylene glycol and the chemical reactions in the medium of PEG, herein we are going to study the synthesis of 1-amidoalkyl-2 -naphthols in presence of the solution catalyst or the solid catalyst and the synthesis of thiourea in PEG-400 medium.


Nothing contained herein shall be construed or deemed to make the parties hereto joint venturers or partners or to constitute either party an agent or employee of the other.

没什么此中包含将被解释或将被视为做党至此联合venturers 或伙伴或构成或其他的党代理或雇员。

Except as otherwise provided herein, all matters relating to the policies and management of the Venture and the conduct of business operation and affairs of the Venture shall be determined by unanimous approval of the Venturers except to the extent, if any, that specific authority may from time to time be granted in writing by the Venturers to any employed personnel of the Venture or any other party.


Herein through investigation on the collected CO2 corrosion data from different CO2-contained oil and gas fields, this study analyzed the serious damage and hazards on the gas production, summarized up the general rules of CO2 corrosion and its peculiarities at different areas. According to studies on phenomena, features, mechanism, and influencing factors on CO2 corrosion, this study put forward that a few effective countermeasures should be taken for anti-corrosion technology including injecting corrosion inhibitor, adopting stainless steel or bimetallic materials for the combination casing strings or well tubings.


Provider shall not, without obtaining the prior written consent of Recipient, in any manner advertise or publish the fact that Provider has contracted to furnish Recipient with the Services herein contracted, or use any trademarks or tradenames of Recipient in Provider's advertising or promotional materials.

不得宣传 No Advertising 未经接受方事先书面同意,提供方不得以任何方式将提供方已签订合同、为接受方提供本合同中之服务一事刊登广告或公布于众,也不得在提供方的广告或促销材料中使用任何接受方商标或商号。

If you wish to ex ercise y our right to subscr ibe for all the Rights Shares specified in this P AL, you should lodg e the PAL in ac cordance with the instr uctions pr inted herein, tog ether with a remittance for the full amount pa yable on acce ptance,with the Compan y's Branch Registrar , Tricor Standard Limited, 26/F Tesbury Centre , 28 Queen 's Road East, Wanchai, Hong K ong by no later than 4:00 pm on Monda y, 6 Apr il 2009. All remittances must be made in Hong K ong dollars and must

倘 阁下拟行使阁下之权利认购本暂定配发书指定之所有供股股份,阁下必须最迟於二零零九年四月六日下午四时正前将暂定配发书按照本通知书印列之指示连同须於接纳时缴付之全部股款送交本公司之过户分处卓佳标准有限公司,地址为香港湾仔皇后大

Herein there is long culture corridor, concubine shrine, and Baijing lake with shining reflection, thicky gingkgo with 2000 years' old, and gingkgo forest.


If the total accumulated time of all permissible delays and non-permissible delays aggregate to days or more, excluding delays due to arbitration as provided for in Article Ⅷhereof or due to default in performance by the Buyer, or due to delays in delivery of the Buyer's supplied items, and excluding delays duet to causes which, under Article V,Ⅵ,Ⅺ, and Ⅻ hereof, permit extension or postponement of the time for delivery of the Vessel, then in such event, the Buyer may in accordance with the provisions set out herein cancel this Contract by serving upon the Seller telexed notice of cancellation which shall be confirmed in writing and provisions of Article Ⅹ of this Contract shall apply.


As used herein, green oil refers to molecules having more than four carbon atoms per molecule.


The parties agree that the foregoing recitals are true and correct and incorporated herein by this reference.


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This paper analyzes the compound attractor structure of a new three-dimensional autonomous chaotic system.


ON shut rivals out of their transmission systems and shy away from reinvesting their profits in network improvements.


Objective: Elucidate the medicinal licorice species circumscription in order to develop licorice resources in China and select new cultivars.
