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The heat conductivity calculation has been divided into two parts, form the borehole to the exposure of cement mantle and in the formations, as for corresponding to different borehole structures, different methods have been adopted to sum the overall heat transfer coefficients and numerical method is used to calculate the heat loss on each nodal point, furthermore, through the model proposed herein, the degrees of influences of different borehole structures on heat loss could be calculated in order to get the most economic and efficient borehole structure.


That the aforesaid conveyance to defendant E.F. be declared void and the judgment herein be declared a lien on said property


Cc To invest the moneys of the Company upon such investments (other than shares in the Company) or property in such manner as may from time to time be determined and to the same extent as natural persons might or could do, to purchase or otherwise acquire and to hold, own, maintain, work, develop, sell, lease, exchange, hire, convey, mortgage or otherwise dispose of and deal in, lands and leaseholds, and any interest, estate and rights in real property, and any personal or mixed property and any franchises, rights, licenses or privileges necessary, convenient or appropriate for any of the purposes herein expressed


UPS and its licensors reserve all rights pertaining to the UPS Materials not specifically granted herein.


An experimental research on the basic mechnical performance of 4 different ribs concrete perforated brick masonries are herein presented in this paper .

通过实验研究了肋厚4 种肋厚的混凝土多孔砖砌体的基本力学性能。

The macro-organisms, including macro-plants, metazoans and trace fossils, 30 species of 23 genera and 4 macroalgal holdfasts, which are collected from Southeast Zhongqing and Northwest Guizhou, are described herein.


The macro-organisms lived widely in the Yangtze Sea during the Doushantouian of the Ediacaran. The macro-organisms, including macro-plants, metazoans and trace fossils, 30 species of 23 genera and 4 macroalgal holdfasts, which are collected from Southeast Zhongqing and Northwest Guizhou, are described herein.


The LESSOR reserves the right to grant or use such easement in, over, through, under, or upon land so lease as maybe necessary to the working of the same, or other mineral lands as well as the right to lease, sell, or otherwise dispose of the surface of the land embraced within this Lease under existing law or laws insofar as said surface is not necessary for use by the LESSEE in extracting and removing the mineral deposit from the land covered by this lease or in beneficiation of the ores extracted there from, or from any other mining claim; of to issue such permit for easement herein provided to be reserved and to permit the use of the land covered by this lease, as may be necessary for the construction and maintenance of the mills, mining camps, or other works incident to the mining and milling operation on the lands covered by this Lease or on the any other mineral lands.


The LESSOR reserves the right to grant or use such easement in, over, through, under, or upon land so lease as maybe necessary to the working of the same, or other mineral lands as well as the right to lease, sell, or otherwise dispose of the surface of the land embraced within this Lease under existing law or laws insofar as said surface is not necessary for use by the LESSEE in extracting and removing the mineral deposit from the land covered by this lease or in beneficiation of the ores extracted there from, or from any other mining claim; of to issue such permit for easement herein provided to be reserved and to permit the use of the land covered by this lease, as may be necessary for the construction and maintenance of the mills, mining camps, or other works incident to the mining and milling operation on the lands covered by this Lease or on the any other mineral lands.

出租人象可能之下必要预留权利授予或使用这样的缓和,通过,在,或在土地因此租约对同样,或其它矿物土地的工作并且权利出租,卖,或否则处理土地的表面被拥抱在这份租约之内根据现有的法律或法律只要前述表面不是必要的供租客使用在提取和去除矿床从土地由这份租约包括或在矿石的beneficiation 被提取那里从,或从其他采矿要求;发布这样的许可证为缓和此中提供被预留和允许对土地的用途由这份租约包括,和愿是必要的为磨房,开采的阵营,或其他的建筑和维护工作事件对采矿和碾碎的操作在土地由这份租约包括或在所有其它矿物土地。

Under the excitation of 488 nm light beam of argon ion laser source, single suprahelical species could be observed with the aid of a common microscope due to the strong scattered light emitted by the suprahelical species. By capturing the RLS images of the single suprahelical species with a cooled charge coupled device camera, and analyzing the RLS data, herein an RLS imaging method of DNA was proposed based on the linear relationship between the counts of suprahelical species in the detection focus plane and the concentration of DNA in nanograms.

在488nm 氩离子激光光源的激发下,单个超螺旋聚集体的散射光可以通过普通显微镜观察到,用冷却型电荷耦合器对此单个粒子的RLS信号进行成像和分析,发现在聚焦平面上检测到的超螺旋粒子的个数与溶液中纳克级的DNA浓度成正比,基于此建立了一种测定DNA的方法。

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This paper analyzes the compound attractor structure of a new three-dimensional autonomous chaotic system.


ON shut rivals out of their transmission systems and shy away from reinvesting their profits in network improvements.


Objective: Elucidate the medicinal licorice species circumscription in order to develop licorice resources in China and select new cultivars.
