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与 heavenly 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Heavenly Creations" said,"but the funds are most vulnerable to pollution rot, crown dust cap on top of the collar between the instant of transfer on the damage" is such a down "Heavenly Creations that this velvet Japanese satin that is very wrong, is a senior Japanese satin silk fabrics, as far as its duty in Xiamen and Zhangzhou were regarded as equally valuable satin can be presumed.


The twelve heavenly spirits having failed to accomplish their release, the Saviour came in a heavenly body which appeared to be like that of other men, and through His doctrine and His apparent death released the souls of the men from the influence of the material.


The first hall is JinGangDian, which enriches and worships the door gods in the tradition of four guardians history, which are 1 Oriental Snake Heavenly King: dressed in white, wearing armor piercings and helmets, with knife in left hand and sheath in right hand; 2 southern Sword Heavenly King: dressed in green, wearing armor piercings and helmets, with sword in hand; 3 western Lute Heavenly King: dressed in red, wearing armor piercings and helmets, with sheath in left hand and cable in right hand; 4 northern Umbrella Heavenly King: dressed in gold, wearing golden armor piercings, with tower in left hand and three-fork Qian in right hand and three-night fork ghosts under the feet.

进入本院入口山门即有一尊高大的观音立像,丛远处即可看到,观音像处于一个广场之中,广场的中央是一个放生池,本着人性本善的佛学思想,人们可以将鱼龟等生物在池中放生,即符合禅宗的思想,又达到动物保护的的目的,经过放生池才是寺院的正式入口,里面是按照传统寺院布置的三大殿,均为硬山式砖木结构,第一殿为金刚殿,里面供奉的四大金刚使传统中的门神,四大天王为: 1)东方持国天王:身白色,穿甲戴胄,左手把刀,右手执鞘;2)南方增长天王:身青色,穿甲戴胄,持宝剑: 3)西方广目天王:身红色,穿甲戴胄,左手执鞘,右手把赤索; 4)北方多闻天王:身金色,金甲胄,左手执宝塔,右手执三叉乾,脚踏三夜叉鬼,佛教的四大天王汉化便形成中国罗汉堂中的"四大金刚",成为"风调雨顺"的化身: 1)持国天王魔礼寿:穿紫金龙花狐貂,职顺。

We had an event today at Langham Place to promote "The Heavenly Kings." It was fun!

今天我们在朗豪坊有一个表演,是为我们的"The Heavenly Kings"作宣传,真开心呀!

I hear your voice saying:" Geranium, marigold and verbena." And I feel those three words are all I recall of some forgotten, heavenly language


People of the Zhou Dynasty,faith heavenly god ; altar to heavenly god ; wizards from the non Han nationalities living in the north and west in ancient times


There let us lie down and rest us under a shet'ring palm, and dream that love has blest us, dream on in heavenly calm, dream on in heavenly calm, heav'nly calm.


All our rooms come with Heavenly Bed, one of our Signature products of The Westin.

所有客房皆备有招牌的 Heavenly Bed 寝具。行政俱乐部客房可使用33楼的行政大厅。

We need to maintain the position of ascension in our daily living, living in the life of heaven; we need to be continually touching heaven in our inner being and living in the heavenly condition, situation, and atmos- phere of the Lord's presence, which, when touched by others, will enable them to obtain the heavenly supply - Eph.

五 我们需要在日常生活中维持升天的地位,活在属天的生命里;我们里面需要是一直摸著天的,是活在主同在之属天的境界、光景和空气里的,叫人碰著了就能得著属天的供应-弗4:8,启1:20。

Two other films headlined by Korean Heavenly Kings also failed to win over cinema-goers.

另外两部韩国电影《Heavenly Kings》也没有赢得观众的青睐。

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Sleep In Heavenly Peace (Silent Night)
Heavenly Soul
Heavenly Day
Heavenly (No Ways Tired / Can't Give Up Now)
Heavenly Father
Heavenly Days
Heavenly Father, Holy Mother

Neither the killing of Mr Zarqawi nor any breakthrough on the political front will stop the insurgency and the fratricidal murders in their tracks.


In fact,I've got him on the satellite mobile right now.

实际上 我们已接通卫星可视电话了

The enrich the peopling of Deng Xiaoping of century great person thought, it is the main component in system of theory of Deng Xiaoping economy, it is a when our country economy builds basic task important facet.
