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与 hearth 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Seeling, etc. explored at a two-way hollow mold hearth pore distribution, and Chen and Zhou indicate stress state on cavitation phenomena can be used bi-directional tensile test.


One evening they were sitting in this peaceful happiness, with a pet lamb sleeping on the hearth near them, and above them, on a perch, a white dove, with it's head behind its wing.


But, to the little ones at least, this was denied: each hearth in the schoolroom was immediately surrounded by a double row of great girls, and behind them the younger children crouched in groups, wrapping their starved arms in their pinafores.


Pass splendid specimens of Anglo Norman architecture, pass pedestrians and pederasts, open hearth furnaces, basic Bessemer mills, dynamos and transformers, pig iron castings and steel ingots.


Pass splendid specimens of Anglo Norman architecture, pass pedestrians and pederasts, open hearth furnaces, basic Bessemer mills, dynamos and transformers, pig iron castings and steel ingots.


Pass splendid specimens of AngloNorman architecture, pass pedestrians and pederasts, open hearth furnaces, basic Bessemer mills, dynamos and transformers, pig iron castings and steel ingots.


She went nosily over as Michael lifted up a stone in the hearth and hid the little girl's coin underneath it.


After eve lunch time passes, the flower of cook leaf camphor tree of groove guard of nature of level of state of 9 dragon hill compares the county that satisfy prosperous before any attentive, all over one ground to wiping hearth again, there is taste of a kind of inarticulate in the heart.


As night approaches, I have a huge pile of oak and hickory placed beside the hearth; I put out the tallow candle on the mantel,(using the family snuffers, with one leg broken,) then, drawing my chair directly in front of the blazing wood, and setting one foot on each of the old iron fire-dogs, I dispose myself for an evening of such sober and thoughtful quietude, as I believe, on my soul, that very few of my fellow- men have the good fortune to enjoy.


An outer set of poles kept the bark in place on the sides and roof. Somke holes were built into the roof at about twenty-foot intervals. Two families shared the stonelined hearth beneath each smoke hole.


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objective:to explore the expression of survivin protein and its mrna in rectal cancer and their clinic significance.


9She was a lively young woman with patience and imagination. A born teacher, she thought she could turn a deaf-blind person into a useful human being.(SBIII L65)Born means (10)The purpose of the fence is to keep out a type of wild dog called a "dingo".
