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与 hearth 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The horses, too, went to sleep in the stable, the dogs in the yard, the pigeons upon the roof, the flies on the wall; even the fire that was flaming on the hearth became quiet and slept, the roast meat left off frizzling, and the cook, who was just going to pull the hair of the scullery boy, because he had forgotten something, let him go, and went to sleep.


In the gloomy domed livingroom of the tower Buck Mulligan's gowned form moved briskly about the hearth to and fro, hiding andrevealing its yellow glow


In the gloomy domed livingroom of the tower Buck Mulligan's gowned form moved briskly to and fro about the hearth, hiding and revealing its yellow glow.


Imagine, if you will, that each of these two professors of English Literature (both, as it happens, aged forty) is connected to his native land, place of employment and domestic hearth by an infinitely elastic umbilical cord of emotions, attitudes and values a cord which stretches and stretches almost to the point of invisibility, but never quite to breaking-point, as he hurtles through the air at 600 miles per hour.


The cast metal is melted on an induction hearth or in a furnace and poured or ladled into a hot ceramic shell.


In November when voting on the municipal election, we all have to clearly remember what members of the City councill voted in support of the deal that could destroy this much needed green space in the hearth of our already overdeveloped city.


One of the servants brought candles into the library, and relighted the fire; but Robert Audley did not stir from his seat by the hearth.


When the evening was over, villagers relit hearth fires from the sacrificial fire in an attempt to protect themselves during the coming winter.


I still remember that Lu Xun in his work The New-year Sacrifice wrote as follows:Intermittent flashes from pallid, lowering evening clouds are followed by the rumble of crackers bidding farewell to the Hearth God and, before the deafening reports of the bigger bangs close at hand have died away, the air is filled with faint whiffs of gunpowder .


Mr. Heathcliff and his man climbed the cellar steps with vexatious phlegm: I don't think they moved one second faster than usual, though the hearth was an absolute tempest of worrying and yelping.


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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
