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与 headquarters 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Headquarters is located in Pudong New Area, Shanghai Baoshan Iron and Steel Building adjacent.


At a Wal-Mart store, cash registers are electronically linked to headquarters and suppliers.


The company has an exhibition center of 2000 square meters in Beijing headquarters and hundreds of franchise stores in China.


Give full play to have headquarters in favor of Jin Jiang industry publication media creative class leading enterprises, to speed up its tailored project.


Langfang Jihua-trade fuels Management Company Limited was established in 2006, has been two years of coal sales history, major cities headquarters in Beijing have large freight yard with a total area of 160,447 square meters, each package of road freight yard with all the machinery Coal Unloader missing, the coal and coal transport system, sprinkler irrigation equipment, are equipped with dedicated rail lines


Langfang Jihua-trade fuels Management Company Limited was established in 2006, has been two years of coal sales history, major cities headquarters in Beijing have large freight yard with a total area of 160,447 square meters, each package of road freight yard with all the machinery Coal Unloader missing, the coal and coal transport system, sprinkler irrigation equipment, are equipped with dedicated rail lines


Langfang Jihua-trade fuels Management Company Limited was established in 2006, has been two years of coal sales history, major cities headquarters in Beijing have large freight yard with a total area of 160,447 square meters, each package of road freight yard with all the machinery Coal Unloader missing, the coal and coal transport system, sprinkler irrigation equipment, are equipped with dedicated rail lines.


Langfang Jihua-trade fuels Management Company Limited was established in 2006, has been two years of coal sales history, major cities headquarters in Beijing have large freight yard with a total area of 160,447 square meters, each package of road freight yard with all the machinery Coal Unloader missing, the coal and coal transport system, sprinkler irrigation equipment, are equipped with dedicated rail lines.


Fly: Lucky star is the comparison that home does is killed well really soft, card cling to it is Russia a very famous software that reduce toxin, NOD32 traceable Czechoslovakia, headquarters now the United States.


One small incident highlights the difference between a "Christian" war and others with which we are all too familiar: When the British surrendered at Yorktown, Washington invited General Cornwallis to his headquarters for dinner.

一个小事件可以彰显出「基督徒」的战争与其它我们再熟悉不过的战争之间的差异︰当英军在约克镇(Yorktown, Virginia)投降时,华盛顿邀请英军的首领康华理斯将军到其指挥总部共进晚餐。

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9She was a lively young woman with patience and imagination. A born teacher, she thought she could turn a deaf-blind person into a useful human being.(SBIII L65)Born means (10)The purpose of the fence is to keep out a type of wild dog called a "dingo".
