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与 headquarters 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In order to protect the interests of consumers in 2004 Maohua construction companies in the channels put a lot of energy, Maohua company by the end of 2004 joined the elite Union assured IT shop, Beijing Orbbit established headquarters in the country hundreds of unified image of the Chinese elite Union assured shops, Maohua company headquarters in Beijing's strong support Orbbit ......


A few moments later, somewhat apologetic, he hastened to my room with an explanation. A French representative of UNRRA had just arrived from the south. If he learned that I was going to Liu Po-cheng's headquarters, he might want to come along. That would be embarrassing as the location of the headquarters was secret and only "trusted foreigners" were taken there.


Simultaneously Roj developed his business on the Italian real estate market, through the design of Beni Stabili's new headquarters in Rome and other prestigious projects in Milan, including the requalification of the Arconati 1 Building Complex for Aareal Property Service (today hosting the headquarters of Total).

同时,他通过设计Beni Stabili公司在罗马的新总部以及其它一系列宏伟的项目,如Aareal Property Service公司的 Arconati1 综合楼的翻新项目(现在是Total公司的总部)等,在意大利房地产市场中开拓业务。

International Olympic Committee headquarters in Locarno Shiluo Sang Sang Rui, near the mountain lake, the International Olympic Committee headquarters sits this beautiful city, a three-storey building.


With the angle of the theories and substantial evidence this text has further exp lored the interaction relation of SCP and headquarters economy on foundation of having discussed the connotation, utility and classification of the SCPps founding pattern. Finally, this text p roposes the train of thought and suggestions for a case that is new development of Guangzhou Yuexiu districtkps headquarters economy.


Viewed from the angle of maneuvers of the field headquarters of the Eighth Route Army in and around Shanxi, with the national conflicts between China and Japan as the thread and the anti-Japanese battles in North China as the setting--fleshed out with combats, episodes and anecdotes of the General Headquarters of the Eighth Route Army, the Big Three divisions of the Eighth Route Army, military sub-areas and anti-Japanese base areas,"The Eighth Route Army" gives a panoptic, unbiased and vivid account of the history of the Eighth Route Armys anti-aggression war.


Up to midday of the 19th the activity, the eager talk, the bustle, and the despatching of adjutants was confined to the headquarters of the Emperors; after midday the activity had reached the headquarters of Kutuzov and the staff of the commanding officers of the columns.


Up to midday of the 19th the activity, the eager talk, the bustle, and the despatching of adjutants was confined to the headquarters of the Emperors; after midday the activity had reached the headquarters of Kutuzov and the staff of the commanding officers of the columns.


This time also black must win in Earth base yellow area senior official yellow Jinlong and the black area senior official, in carries on the final airborne farewell after the headquarters personnel, is driving own plane, returned to in this humanity's huge universe fleet, becomes honorable one, when white area senior official white Peter and the hybrid area senior official jumbles together, leads them the second echelon rear service preparation fleet, embarks and with the time which comes up, has transmitted from the Earth headquarters, alliance president entire unification, represents the all Earth humanity's together blessing: I represent our all Earth humanity, extends the loftiest respect to you, wishes you to return in triumph!


Is, your excellency please says" jumbles together a senior official face to stand firmly,"I appoint you on behalf of the Earth complete humanity citizens, for super ultra can the nuclear weapon project global commander-in-chief, you must use your hybrid area the region broad resources rich as well as the personnel superiority produce in half year enough destroy 100 to raid the planetoid the nuclear weapon, and in addition half year in assembles to all meets head-on the starship as well as on the ground G8 0N decoy launching launch vehicle, this functional relationship overall situation, you may depend upon the hybrid area to be in between each non-hybrid area the place source superiority, coordinates in various areas scope all to be advantageous toThe plan implementation commodity and the personnel, have been good, as soon as has the difficulty to be possible to the headquarters report, the headquarters certainly to be able to give you as necessary with all one's strength support and the help" alliance president the voice falls, jumbles together the senior official to reply with the extremely affirmative expression:"Invites alliance president and everybody can rest assured that that, our hybrid region can certainly guarantee completes the task, only is at the appointed time, I must certainly participate in the destroy planetoid directly the ultimate duty!""


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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
