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Www.buffettism.com 巴菲特研究中心 Research Centre for Buffettism avoiding dumb decisions, rather than by making brilliant ones. Since September 11th, Ajit has been particularly busy. Among the policies we have written and retained entirely for our own account are (1)$578 million of property coverage for a South American refinery once a loss there exceeds $1 billion;(2)$1 billion of non-cancelable third-party liability coverage for losses arising from acts of terrorism at several large international airlines;(3)£ 500 million of property coverage on a large North Sea oil platform, covering losses from terrorism and sabotage, above £600 million that the insured retained or reinsured elsewhere; and (4) significant coverage on the Sears Tower, including losses caused by terrorism, above a $500 million threshold. We have written many other jumbo risks as well, such as protection for the World Cup Soccer Tournament and the 2002 Winter Olympics. In all cases, however, we have attempted to avoid writing groups of policies from which losses might seriously aggregate.

In assessing the soundness of their reinsurance protection, insurers must therefore apply a stress test to all participants in the chain, and must contemplate a catastrophe 17 自从 911 事件发生之后,Ajit 就变得异常忙碌,在我们承接且全部自留在公司帐上的保单,主要有(1)南美洲炼油厂损失超过 10 亿美元以上的 5.78 亿美元意外险(2)数家国际航空公司 10 亿美元恐怖份子攻击事件不得撤销第三责任险(3)北海原油平台 5 亿英镑恐怖份子攻击及恶意破坏的产物意外险,以及超过 6 亿英镑以上业者自留或再保损失(4)芝加哥 Sears 大楼恐怖份子攻击事件超过 5 亿美元以上的损失等;此外我们也接了许多项超大型的意外险,例如世界杯足球赛以及 2002 年冬季奥运等,但不论是那一件个案,我们都尽量避免会发生连锁反应大量累积损失的保单,比如说,我们不会一口气接下位于同一个大都会的办公及住宅大楼大量的意外险,除非排除核子爆炸及后续可能引发的火灾损失。

Though the woodchoppers have laid bare first this shore and then that, and the Irish have built their sties by it, and the railroad has infringed on its border, and the ice-men have skimmed it once, it is itself unchanged, the same water which my youthful eyes fell on; all the change is in me.


The Trojans advanced in a dense body, with Hector at their head pressing right on as a rock that comes thundering down the side of some mountain from whose brow the winter torrents have torn it; the foundations of the dull thing have been loosened by floods of rain, and as it bounds headlong on its way it sets the whole forest in an uproar; it swerves neither to right nor left till it reaches level ground, but then for all its fury it can go no further- even so easily did Hector for a while seem as though he would career through the tents and ships of the Achaeans till he had reached the sea in his murderous course; but the closely serried battalions stayed him when he reached them, for the sons of the Achaeans thrust at him with swords and spears pointed at both ends, and drove him from them so that he staggered and gave ground; thereon he shouted to the Trojans, Trojans, Lycians, and Dardanians, fighters in close combat, stand firm: the Achaeans have set themselves as a wall against me, but they will not check me for long; they will give ground before me if the mightiest of the gods, the thundering spouse of Juno, has indeed inspired my onset.

& 其时,特洛伊人队形密集,迎面扑来,赫克托耳领头先行,杀气腾腾,像石壁上崩下的一块滚动的巨岩,被泛涌着冬雨的大河从穴孔里冲下,凶猛的水浪击散了岩岸的抓力,无情的坠石狂蹦乱跳,把山下的森林震得呼呼作响,一路拼砸滚撞,势不可挡,一气冲到平原,方才阻止不动,尽管肆虐凶狂。就像这样,赫克托耳最初试图一路冲杀,扫过阿开亚人的营棚和海船,直插海边。然而,当接战对方人群密集的队伍,他的攻势受到强有力的止阻,被硬硬地顶了回来。阿开亚人的儿子们群起攻之,用劈剑和双刃的枪矛击打,把他抵挡回去,逼得他连连后退,步履踉跄。他放开嗓门,用尖亮的声音对着全军喊叫:&特洛伊人,鲁基亚人和达耳达尼亚人,近战杀敌的勇士们!和我站在一起!阿开亚人不能长时间地挡住我的进攻,虽然他们阵势密集,像一堵墙似地横阻在我的前头。我知道,他们会在我的投枪下败退,如果我真的受到神明的驱使,一位最了不起的尊神,赫拉抛甩炸雷的夫婿。

But in many years China's English teaching has used English pronunciation, the grammar tool, such as International Phonetic Alphabet, the grammar book and so on, are introduce directly from Western country , these ready-made things are only to the westerner to understand their language, there do not have Chinese shadow, does not have and not impossible to have the thought of Chinese and English carries on the contrast .


For the last few years our insurance companies have not been a net purchaser of any straight long-term bonds (those without conversion rights or other attributes offering profit possibilities). There have been some purchases in the straight bond area, of course, but they have been offset by sales or maturities. Even prior to this period, we never would buy thirty or forty-year bonds; instead we tried to concentrate in the straight bondarea on shorter issues with sinking funds and on issues that seemed relatively undervalued because of bond market inefficiencies.

最近这几年来,我们的保险公司几乎未增加一般长期债券方面的部位(Straight long-term Bond)(即不含转换权或可提供额外获利可能性的债券),即使有买进也是为了弥补先前到期或出售的部位,而在此之前,我们也从未投资那些长达三、四十年的债券,顶多是那些较短期且备有偿债基金或是因市场缺乏效率而使得价格被低估的债券。

Although there have been a great many papers on the Allee effect, they have mainly referred to only local populations and have not dealt with the relationship between the two and their impacts on the stability of ecological systems.


The girl should shouldn't wear backless dress to hard to said, the girl loves of beauty this to have no wrong however wear backless dress to also want to pay attention to situation, if is the words which go to work a clan and has no car, suggest you still little wear in order to like, oneself want to sit a bus to go to work every day, if which girl wear of have a little some amorists of words of backless meeting the claw opportunity to live come forward to sponge on to have to order cheapness, if you don't think this kind of affair occurrence on your body of the words still oneself want to notice point more.


There is no one kind of thing that we 'perceive' but many different kinds, the number being reducible if at all by scientific investigation and not by philosophy: pens are in many ways though not in all ways unlike rainbows, which are in many ways though not in all ways but not in all ways unlike pictures on the cinema-screen-- and so on, without assignable limit. So we are not to look for an answer to the question, what kind of thing we perceive. What we have above all to do is, negatively, to rid ourselves of such illusions as 'the argument from illusion'--an 'argument' which those (e.g Berkeley, Hume, Russell, Ayer) who have been most adept at working it, most fully masters of a certain special, happy style of blinkering philosophical English, we have all themselves felt to be somehow spurious.


Big Rock Candy Mountain 】◎One evening as the sun went down And the jungle fire was burning Down the track came a hobo hikin' And he said, boys, I'm not turning I'm headed for a land that's far away Beside the crystal fountains ◎So come with me, we'll go and see the big rock candy mountains In the big rock candy mountains There's a land that's fair and bright Where the handouts grow on bushes And you sleep out every night Where the boxcars all are empty And the sun shines every day On the birds and the bees and the cigarette trees The lemonade springs where the bluebird sings In the big rock candy mountains ◎In the big rock candy mountains All the cops have wooden legs And the bulldogs all have rubber teeth And the hens lay soft-boiled eggs The farmers' trees are full of fruit And the barns are full of hay Oh, I'm bound to go where there ain't no snow Where the rain don't fall,the wind don't blow In the big rock candy mountains ◎In the big rock candy mountains You never change your socks And the little streams of alcohol Come a-trickling down the rocks The brakemen have to tip their hats And the railroad bulls are blind There's a lake of stew and of whiskey, too You can paddle all around 'em in a big canoe In the big rock candy mountains...

在那天傍晚日落的时候如同野火在林中蔓延沿着那小路走来一位旅行者他说,男孩们,我决不会回头我一定要到那远方的国度或许就在水晶泉的旁边所以跟我远走高飞吧,我们终将到达那巨石糖果山在巨石糖果山里有个公正明亮的国度灌木从中生长着必需品你可日日在外露宿在那里箱车都是空的每一天都那么晴朗鸟儿和蜜蜂在烟草树周围徘徊蓝鸟在柠檬水的喷泉中放歌在在巨石糖果山里在巨石糖果山里警察的腿都是木桩子公狗的牙都是橡胶的母鸡们生的是荷包蛋果农的树上果实遍布干草也会堆满了马厩 Oh,我一定要去那个没有冰雪的地方雨水不会冲击,狂风不会怒吼在巨石糖果山里在巨石糖果山里你可以不换袜子还有淌着酒的河流如果从岩石上滑下来修补匠们就的去补他们的帽子会有挡在铁轨上的瞎公牛威士忌和炖肉的小湖你可以把它们都搬到船上在巨石糖果山里在巨石糖果山里监狱是用罐头围成即使你被关进去也可以马上再出来这里没有短柄铲子没有斧子,锯子或是镐你我可终日呼呼大睡蠢人才会去工作在巨石糖果山里我将看到你们全都会堕落在巨石糖果山里

For frequency information fluid identification technology:the basic theory of fluid identification based on frequency information has been introduced,for inner and external factor affecting frequency,some steps have been proposed to attain reserved amplitude and frequency analysis data with high resolution,high S/N ratio;through the comparison of time-frequency analysis method, the high accuracy time-frequency analysis method has been selected to extract time-frequency attributes;the analysis method flow of common single frequency fluid identification has been proposed,according to the data of full frequency band,several anomaly zone modes of common single frequency attribute have segregated; incorporating converted wave and compression wave,fluid identification method based on PS wave combined time-frequency analysis has been proposed;the AVO property of various fluid type in frequency domain has been studied;the generalized fourier analysis method,Proni absorption filter has been introduced,and researched for anti-noise and for the seismic processing interpretation flow.The above technology have been applied to fluid identification of organic reef in WBT area in the east of Sichuan and fluid identification of clastic rock in GUANGAN area in the middle of Sichuan,the results show that the above methods are effective.


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Have A Drink On Me
Angels We Have Heard On High
(God Must Have Spent) A Little More Time On You
A Mighty Fortress / Angels We Have Heard On High
Angels We Have Heard On High
Angels We Have Heard On High
Angels We Have Heard On High
Angels We Have Heard On High
Angels We Have Heard On High
When He Walks On You (Like You Have Walked On Me)

The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
