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与 have on 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This would have been no serious hindrance on a week - day ; they would have clicked through it in their high pattens and boots quite unconcerned ; but on this day of vanity , this sun s - day , when flesh went forth to coquet with flesh while hypocritically affecting business with spiritual things ; on this occasion for wearing their white stockings and thin shoes , and their pink , white , and lilac gowns , on which every mud spot would be visible , the pool was an awkward impediment . they could hear the church - bell calling - as yet nearly a mile off


Jared: When we have down-time on set a lot of times you, you concentrate on the scene you're doing, and if it's two-and-a-half pages you're really trying to make the best of that scene 'cause you're gonna put it on-camera and then it's gonna be gone forever, you'll never have a chance to do it again, so we, we sort of focus on the scene at hand.


The traditional query tree optimization methods,parallel database optimization methods based on left linear trees and right linear trees,bushy trees,and operation of the forest,have their own pros and cons,they have been more in-depth and maturity of the study.The query optimization method based on multiple weighted tree has studied its model of parallel query plan,its complexity model of parallel query plan and query optimization algorithms.The semantic query method transforms an inquiry into one or several semantic equivalence inquiries then has to find and implement a strategy to achieve a better query.Agent-based parallel database query optimization using Multi-Agent technology to automatically search the integrity constraint conditions which are related to the determined query,there for,the efficiency between several relations' joins has been greatly improved.The parallel optimization algorithm,based on genetic algorithm which is suitable for multi-joins of cluster environment,has deeply studied the relations storage options,multi-joins query optimization and query processing and other key technologies based on cluster parallel database.


objective to study mri diagnostic value on multiple sclerosis.methods mri examination data of 31 patients with multiple sclerosis were analysised retrospectively.results total 184 lesions were detectived in 31 patients.most lesions were located on white watter area beside the lateral ventricle,and a few lesions were located on the spinal cord,cerebellum,brain stem and corpus callosum.the shape of lesion can be circle or ellipse.the lesion showed as slightly long t1 and long t2 signal.the acute stage lesions can have enhancement.conclusions ms have characteristic findings on mri image.mri can show the patholoic changes,and provide strong evidence for clinic diagnosis of multiple sclerosis.

摘 要]目的:探讨多发性硬化(muliplle sclerosis,ms)的mri特征表现及其诊断价值。方法:回顾分析31例临床诊断为ms患者的mri检查资料。结果:31例共发现病灶184个,病灶于侧脑室旁白质区、半卵圆中心及皮层下区最多见,其次见于脊髓小脑、脑干及胼胝体,部分可见视神经受累,病灶呈卵圆形或圆形稍长t1、长t2信号,矢状位像见病灶与侧脑室垂直,急性病灶增强扫描有的可呈结节状、环状或斑点状强化。结论:在mri图像上ms有特征性表现,mri能反应ms病理变化,为临床诊断ms提供可靠依据。

From the very beginning when sound recording, the dubbing director to let Ella be able to have the infant voice, issues an order to want her on the one hand to attract refers to, on the other hand including words plum dubbing, lets the sound a little "the lisper", draws close to ten year old of young male student's sound, for this reason Ella had the confidence to smile said:"on the one hand dubs including the words plum on the other hand, lets the sound have lisper's feeling, a spot also cannot baffle me, I am after all Jinzhongjiang nominate!"


We find:(1) ITB cumbers the optimization of enterprises' scale through increase the trade cost;(2) The rate of ITB on inter-industrial products is higher than on the intra-industrial aspect, and the product's trade barrier has a decreasing situation;(3) From the macro-economics view, the behaviors of governments have grave influences on the integration of domestic market; taxation system and regional law system have great impact on the many aspects which influence the development of economy.


I have been in all my Circumstances a Memento to those who are touch'd with the general Plague of Mankind, whence, for ought I know, one half of their Miseries flow; I mean, that of not being satisfy'd with the Station wherein God and Nature has plac'd them; for not to look back upon my primitive Condition, and the excellent Advice of my Father, the Opposition to which, was, as I may call it, my ORIGINAL SIN; my subsequent Mistakes of the same kind had been the Means of my coming into this miserable Condition; for had that Providence, which so happily had seated me at the Brasils, as a Planter, bless'd me with confin'd Desires, and I could have been contented to have gone on gradually, I might have been by this Time; I mean, in the Time of my being in this Island, one of the most considerable Planters in the Brasils, nay, I am perswaded, that by the Improvements I had made, in that little Time I liv'd there, and the Encrease I should probably have made, if I had stay'd, I might have been worth an hundred thousand Moydors; and what Business had I to leave a settled Fortune, a well stock'd Plantation, improving and encreasing, to turn Supra-Cargo to Guinea, to fetch Negroes; when Patience and Time would have so encreas'd our Stock at Home, that we could have bought them at our own Door, from those whose Business it was to fetch them; and though it had cost us something more, yet the Difference of that Price was by no Means worth saving, at so great a Hazard.


Especially leader of a few industries describes: On one hand oneself are anxiety-ridden, everyday busy move looks for a bank to run loan, look for big client to make a sale personally, find governmental mediate between two parties to pledge from Wu of custom, duty, land the joint of each respect such as check, quota, environmental protection, all such as resource of company strategy, sale strategy, product strategy, financial security, technical reformation, manpower should is based on " hibernate " and think afresh, opening the cost on source and reduce expenditure to use up idea, seem to return sunset night ground should be done not have when doing poineering work at first hardworking; On the other hand, must continue to maintain successful personage have a well-thought-out plan, weight lifting to be like light demeanour again however, face subordinate, always get the difficult mention lightly that may encounter the company with future now, place all a pair of manner that all mastering.


Like a cat I slumber, blissfully unencumbered,Through eighty per cent of my allotted span,Occasionally awoken, when dissent is spoken,And I invent another cunning five year plan,Lately it was pensions, that were being mentioned,So I borrowed from the French and Robespierre,Scrap all that went before, saved by tooth and claw,And let my all equal Citizens appear,Currently it is time, for me to be in my prime,For there is another election looming,I have to appear sincere, for part of this coming year,And assure everyone that everything is booming,Never mind strict quotas, Ive imported multitudes of voters,And told them which party let them stay,Though Ive rigged the postal vote, and defamed everyone of note,You never know what might happen on the day.So to be on the safe side, I swallow all my pride,And allow my people to hear my hallowed voice,And roll out the charade, put on the facade,And even make believe they have a choice,Next time around the crown, will be trampled underground,House of Lords and Lord Chancellor history,With the other Chancellor gone, I alone will soldier on,Yes, then there will only ever be me,Ill hold elections for you, as all dictators do,And fill positions with those that grease my palm,As for civil unrest, there is always house arrest,Or secret imprisonment for those that mean me harm.


The thesis combines the objective reality of Shaanxi chemical fertilizer Co., Ltd. of means of agricultural production closely, On the basis of encourage theory survey to the salarying , at first to influence factor that salary assign , staff of enterprise , carry on network analysis thesis, have carried on research to the salary system current situation of staff of chemical fertilizer Co., Ltd. of means of agricultural production of Shaanxi; Have analysed and got the unequal pay for the equal work, the income can"t reflect actual contribution , lack such questions as thereasonable performance appraisal system ,etc.; Regard theory as guidelines, combine the actual conditions of chemical fertilizer Co., Ltd. of means of agricultural production of Shaanxi, the thesis is from the system goal of the salary mainly, setting-up of the principle and tactics, post appraise, post belong to grade , design , salary of scheme respect to structure administrative staff and key post salary system of staff , enterprise of different levels carry on research; Probed into the supplementary measure that company"s salary scheme is implemented finally in thesis.


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Have A Drink On Me
Angels We Have Heard On High
(God Must Have Spent) A Little More Time On You
A Mighty Fortress / Angels We Have Heard On High
Angels We Have Heard On High
Angels We Have Heard On High
Angels We Have Heard On High
Angels We Have Heard On High
Angels We Have Heard On High
When He Walks On You (Like You Have Walked On Me)

The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
