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have a fever相关的网络例句

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与 have a fever 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

What is more sad that they are (which is still left-handed indictment), a lot of brain researchers and psychologists have also fueled these views, they hastily asserted the following: left-handed is more prone to alcoholism, asthma, hay fever, diabetes, etc. disease, easier insomnia, suicide, crime and even low-energy.


"To him who has finished the Path, and passed beyond sorrow, who has freed himself on all sides, and thrown away every fetter, there is no more fever of grief." He whose senses have become tranquil, like a horse well broken-in by the driver; who is free from pride and the lust of existence, and the defilement of ignorance-him even the gods envy.


Already, the scientists have been working with marmosets at SFBR to test a promising Lassa fever vaccine developed at the University of Maryland Biotechnology Institute.

对绒猴的研究可加快对拉沙热病毒疫苗的研究,包括已研发的疫苗以待动物模型的检测,病毒学和免疫学专家Jean Patterson解释道。

What would now be diagnosed as gastroenteritis may have instead been diagnosed more specifically as typhoid fever or "cholera morbus", among others, or Less Specifically as "griping of the guts","surfeit","flux","colic","bowel complaint", or any one of a number of other archaic names for acute diarrhea.

什么现在将被诊断为肠胃炎可能不是被诊断更具体的伤寒或&霍乱morbus &等,或降低特别是&一纸的勇气&,&食&,&流&,&绞痛&,&肠投诉&,或任何一个其他一些古老的名字为急性腹泻。

Patients with Legionnaires' disease usually have fever, chills, and a cough, which may be dry or may produce sputum.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
