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The stacked double-circle tail lights, rear hatch/spoiler area and sloping roof line are all very similar between the two.


The nearly century-old red-brick structure and clocktower are where the film's patriotic students hatch their plan to assassinate a Japanese-allied Chinese spy.


It remains unclear what body type Toyota will use for the new model – the Yaris is available as both a hatch and sedan – but it seems likely that more than one variant will get the green light.


But when we hit a bad hatch, we call our pals for support, which is hardly fair.


The most amazing characteristic of the komodo dragon is that the female can lay eggs that hatch without being fertilized by a male.


He needed to find the Hatch Act, which his parents had told him was the law that controlled the development of wetlands in Massachusetts.


The team found that there is a two-week window, or critical period, about a month after these new cells hatch during which they act like the neurons of a newborn baby. The researchers cued the new cells with a pattern of electrical activation that mimics the sequence that takes place in the brain of a mouse as it learns about a special spot (such as a corner in its cage where it may receive food or a shock).


The team found that there is a two-week window, or critical period, about a month after these new cells hatch during which they act like the neurons of a newborn baby. The researchers cued the new cells with a pattern of electrical actiation that mimics the sequence that takes place in the brain of a mouse as it learns about a special spot (such as a corner in its cage where it may receie food or a shock).


Part Three, besides discussing the enactment of 1890 Morrill Act, mostly deals with how functions of land-grant colleges were made to perfect. The 1887 Hatch Act gave financial aid to set up agricultural experiment stations to strengthen the function of research of land-grant colleges. In addition, the 1914 Smith-Lever Act appropriated a large sum of money for setting up agricultural extension stations, which could strengthen the extension of agricultural technology and services.


Once mating has occurred, the female lays her clutch of 3–12 eggs in a nest dug into the ground . Eggs are laid at the end of the wet season, between February and April, and hatch after 10 months or more . Hatchlings emerge within a few weeks of one another at the onset of the next rains, in November or December .

一经交配,雌性在雨季结束的时候,会产 3-12个蛋,在二月和四月间。10个月或更久之后,在十一月或十二月,新孵化出的雏龟在下一场雨季来临前出生。

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Batten Down The Hatch

It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
