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与 hatch 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Cruze hatch could also surface in Europe under the GM's Vauxhall brand.


To cover rapid escapes, the Falcon sports a ventrally mounted hatch-concealed antipersonnel repeating laser.


Of viviparous animals, some hatch eggs in their own interior, as creatures of the shark kind; others engender in their interior a live foetus, as man and the horse.


The Owners to provide deckhands to open and close hatches as required and rig cargo gear before the Vessel's arrival at loading and discharging berths or places, also provide deck and/or gangway watchmen and one winchman and/or cranedriver per hatch to work winches and/or cranes day and night as required.


The Owners to provide deckhands to open and close hatches as required and rig cargo gear before the Vessel's arrival at loading and discharging berths or places, also provide deck and/or gangway watchmen and one winchman and/or cranedriver per hatch to work winches and/or cranes day and night as required. If the rules of the Crew from opening and closing hatches or driving winches and/or cranes, then shore labour to be employed in lieu thereof and paid by Charterers.

See also Clause 15 船东提供甲板,水手按需要开关舱,在船到达装卸泊位或地点之前抱货机装置就绪,并提供甲板及/或舷梯看更,配备每舱绞车工及/或转盘吊工一人,按需要昼夜操作,如港方或工会规章制止水手开关舱或操作绞车及/或转盘吊,则租船人雇岸上工人代替支付费用。

When the water temperature is 29-31 ℃,the time of hatch is 19 h.The yolk sac is disappear basically after 70 h.Larvae begin to eat after 90 h.

在水温2931℃时,孵化时间为19 h,孵出仔鱼后70 h卵黄囊基本消失,90 h开始摄食。

Down the hatch with the Yukon Jack...


On the road, it was good and zippy. Despite it is slightly taller than most hatch backs, it was good fun to drive. Cornering was good and its steering was very precise.


Once laid by the female, the male clownfish assumes the job of gaurding the eggs until they hatch, typically 4 or 5 days aftwards.


A cold - blooded,smooth - skinned vertebrate of the class Amphibia,such as a frog or salamander,that characteristically hatch es as an aquatic larva with gills.


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Batten Down The Hatch

And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
