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与 hatch 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Research in Hawaii has show that doses of 1,000 Gy or more may be required to prevent hatch of irradiated eggs, molting of treated larva e to the next instar or pupation of treated mature larva e.


The servo is now attached to the other end of the pushrod and the hatch can be secured - again, adding thin CA to strengthen the mounting holes.


I'm a tallyman of this hatch. Are you a Quartermaster?


Parents use their mouths to cut elaborate passages through the weeds leading to the floating bubble nest, where 2,000–40,000 light red-yellow eggs (0.08 in [2 mm] in diameter) hatch in about 54 hours.

家长使用约 54 小时削减通过通往在浮动的气泡巢,如 2 的杂草、 000–40、万光红-黄色卵(0.08 [2 毫米] 直径)的精品通道的嘴孵化。

The difference is that their eggs hatch fairly quickly but the webworms are so small that their infestation may go undetected until they cocoon and reemerge as moths in the late summer to produce another generation that is more destructive.


Officially, the word was that airmen had an excellent chance of survival if the plane were shot down. They would simply jump through the escape hatch, pull the rip cord on their parachutes and float down to earth.


In the 1970s, many European carmakers offered four-door cars with a sloped roofline and a large hatch for accessing the cargo hold.


At 50 days after hatch,taste bud in barbell centralized in one side which is not close to venter of rostral.


Whether to spend the money depends on your point of view: do you want a fun, fast little runabout or fierce super hot hatch?


The father sea horse carries the eggs to keep them safe until they hatch.Then the baby sea horses swim away.


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Batten Down The Hatch

We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
