英语人>网络例句>hat 相关的网络例句
与 hat 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Seemingly, they are too exaggerated, however, they are absolutely telling the truth instead of baloney.


He looked so cool, with his bandanna and his hat, and here I am, looking like an ice cream.


They sing " Home Sweet Home " in ragtime they carry their lares et penates in a bandbox their vine is entwined about a picture hat a rubber plant is their fig tree .


They sing "Home, Sweet Home" in ragtime; they carry their lares et penates in a bandbox; their vine is entwined about a picture hat; a rubber plant is their fig tree.


It is known that Tolleron had a fireman's cap, Avril an otter cap, Losvel a round hat, that old Delaporte was bald and bare-headed, that Castaing was all ruddy and very handsome, that Bories had a romantic small beard, that Jean Martin kept on his suspenders, that Lecouffe and his mother quarrelled.


He is not used to wearing a hat and goes bareheaded all year round.


Moored under the trees of Charleville Mall Father Conmee saw a turfbarge, a towhorse with pendent head, a bargeman with a hat of dirty straw seated amidships, smoking and staring at a branch of poplar above him.


Of course when Peter landed he beached his barque in a place where the bird would easily find it; but the hat was such a great success that she abandoned the nest.


General: You'll work with a basset hound in a birthday hat if that's what I tell you to do.

basset hound :矮腿猎犬【原意是"如果我让你去和一只戴着生日帽的矮腿猎犬合作,你也必须去"

However, Seurat reworked parts of it three years later, modifying details such as the bather's orange hat and areas of water.


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All Hat, No Cattle
Red Hat
My Own Kind Of Hat
Hard Hat And A Hammer
Hat Trick
Hat Shaped Hat
The Afternoon's Hat
Any Place I Hang My Hat Is Home
Straw Hat And Old Dirty Hank
Old Hat

And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
