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与 haste 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This to hear Would Desdemona seriously incline: But still the house-affairs would draw her thence: Which ever as she could with haste dispatch, She'ld come again, and with a greedy ear Devour up my discourse: which I observing, Took once a pliant hour, and found good means To draw from her a prayer of earnest heart That I would all my pilgrimage dilate, Whereof by parcels she had something heard, But not intentively: I did consent, And often did beguile her of her tears, When I did speak of some distressful stroke That my youth suffer'd.


A matriarch and high priestess of Elune's blessed order, Mirana Nightshade serves as a light in darkness for the front line of the Sentinel ranks, raining arrows and falling stars alike upon the shambling undead masses of the Undead Scourge, while her very presence is said to be so holy that it melts away the fatigue of nearby allies, giving them greater haste on the battlefield.

作为月神Elune庇护下的长老和高等祭司,Mirana Nightshade在近卫军团中就如同那黑暗中的一线光明。她以雨点一般的箭矢和坠落的流星抵挡蜂拥而至的天灾大军,而她神圣的存在,消除了四周友军的疲倦,让他们在战场上的速度得到极大的提升。

The incentives to continue pussyfooting are clear. Undue haste could cause panic.


Marry in haste,and repen t at leisure.


It was passed in haste, and shoddily written.


One would approach at first warily through the shrub oaks, running over the snow-crust by fits and starts like a leaf blown by the wind, now a few paces this way, with wonderful speed and waste of energy, making inconceivable haste with his "trotters," as if it were for a wager,and now as many paces that way, but never getting on more than half a rod at a time; and then suddenly pausing with a ludicrous expression and a gratuitous somerset, as if all the eyes in the universe were eyed on him —— for all the motions of a squirrel, even in the most solitary recesses of the forest, imply spectators as much as those of a dancing girl —— wasting more time in delay and circumspection than would have sufficed to walk the whole distance—— I never saw one walk —— and then suddenly, before you could say Jack Robinson, he would be in the top of a young pitch pine, winding up his clock and chiding all imaginary spectators, soliloquizing and talking to all the universe at the same time —— for no reason that I could ever detect, or he himself was aware of, I suspect.


Http://www.neworiental.org/Default.aspx?TabID... haste n.


But I am poor and needy: make haste unto me, O God: you are my help and my deliverer; O LORD, make no tarrying.

005 但我是困苦穷乏的;神啊,求你速速到我这里来!你是帮助我的,搭救我的。耶和华啊,求你不要耽延!

But I am poor and needy: make haste unto me, O God: thou art my help and my deliverer; O LORD, make no tarrying.

005 但我是困苦穷乏的;神啊,求你速速到我这里来!你是帮助我的,搭救我的。耶和华啊,求你不要耽延!

But I am poor and needy: make haste unto me, O God: thou art my help and my deliverer; O LORD, make no tarrying.

70:5 但我是困苦穷乏的。神阿,求你速速到我这里来。你是帮助我的,搭救我的。

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Haste Killed Creativity
Not With Haste

And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
