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与 has-beens 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I HAs passed my hands over a pcontinueer cast of Michelangelo's inspiring and IToic Moses; I HAs sensed the power of Rodin; I HAs be awed by the devoted spirit of Gothic wood carving.


Many participation enterprises have demonstrated the independent research and development technology: The Guangdong Mengnalisha ceramics Limited company's most new high science and technology ceramics product ---"the PP board", its thickness only has 5.5 millimeters, had passed on the integrated construction ceramic all functions, but its needed materials were merely the traditional ceramics 1/3, thus has saved raw material amount used greatly, reduced the packing transportation cost; Beijing passes permanently innovates wooden models the technological progress Limited company independent research and development the lumber substitution product match woodware, has the waterproof moisture-proof anticorrosion, the intensity to be high, the turnover number of times many, can recycle, characteristics and so on environmental protection, security; Dalian iceberg group take the technology and the talented person as a backing, makes light highly effective, safe reliable Leng Re, the ecology, the energy conservation, the environmental protection new product with all one's strength, is also the exhibition luminescent spot.


At the beginning of the *** the writher introduces the background of the project, the document analysis of the related research, the research design and research methods; therefore the writher elaborates the basic theories——Post-modern Perspective on Curriculum, Dialogue Theory and Instructional Design Theory used in this ***. In the third section of the *** the writer has compared the running and Open Educational Resources between Chinese Open Courseware and MIT OCW by statistical analysis. The writer focuses on the analysis of guiding resources, learning resources, developing resources, evaluation resources and interactive resources. In the forth section the writer has summed up the difference between Chinese Quality Open Courseware and MIT OCW, then arrived some comparative significance conclusions which will do good at Open Educational Resources of Chinese Quality Open Courseware. At the end of the ***, the writer has summarized the limitation of the research and promoted the following-up study of this study in future.

头后介绍课题的研讨背景、研讨现状、研讨设计和研讨方式;交灭闭于本研讨的实际基本——后现代课程观、闭于话实际和教受教养设计实际的从要观里入行阐述;第三章做者通功统计剖析比拟邦度粗品课程取MIT OCW两个项纲的概略和开放教导资流,反沉闭于开放教导资流外的指里资流、教习资流、拓铺资流、评价资流和互动资流入行剖析;第四章做者反在第三章的基本长入行分解和谈论,形败了一些闭于人邦邦度粗品课程开放教导资流建设无还鉴意义的比拟解论;反在本研讨最末做者道亮研讨所亡反在的一些出无脚,并闭于本研讨的后续研讨入行了铺望。

This paper made a systematic research on Lonicerafulvotomentosa Hsu et S.C. Cheng, which grows well inkarst areas, from its biological characteristics, such asmorphology, growth and physiology. The main conclusions asfollows:(1)From the viewpoint of morphological anatomy, it hastypical xerophyte structures such as well-developed epidermisand tissues that transport water effectively, small leaf area,dense floss under the leaf surface, high stoma density, thesmall opening degree, thick cuticle, well-developed xylem andpalisade tissues, etc. The pollen of L. fulvotomentosa isseems to be spherical, and has 3 grooves, much bulge on theepidermis evenly. The shape of pollen is an important featureon taxonomy. The ripe fruit has from 1 to 18 seeds, some fruitbranch has 135 berry, its diameter is up to 0.8 centimeter.(2)From the viewpoint of growth, L.

本文从形态解剖、生长发育的节律、光合生理特性以及种子萌发生理等生物学特性方面对喀斯特适生经济植物黄褐毛忍冬进行了较为系统的研究,得出以下结论:(1)在形态解剖上,黄褐毛忍冬根茎中含有发育良好的周皮和输导组织,导管密度大,横截面宽,周皮的形成具有节制蒸腾、通气作用和保护组织免受外界环境影响的作用,宽的导管对水分的输导效率高;叶片密被绒毛,面积较小,气孔密度大、开度小,厚的角质层和发育良好的木质部和栅栏组织等是典型的旱生结构;黄褐毛忍冬花粉近球形,具3 孔沟,表面具均匀分布的小刺,刺间具网状纹理。

If is eating the aspect, has each kind of fragrant tasty fruit; Has tea which fragrant four overflow; Also has on the nutritious body's yaupon's fruit of the glossy privet, tasty delicious, the clear lung breathes heavily evenly gingko and so on precious raw material for medicine.


The ailing leader of one of Iraqi most powerful Shi'ite parties has died at a hospital in Tehran. Close associates said the cleric Abdull Aziz al-Hakim has been seeking treatment for advancing lung cancer since 2007, but his health has recently deteroirated. The 59 yearold was once a heavy smoker.


Passing certificate analysis and international comparison of different indexes.we can draw some conclusions: Since 1990's, the employment of primary industry has reached ssturation and begun to exclude the labor force, the ability of absorption labor force of second industry has dropped, third industry has become the major industry of absorpt...

通过对不同指标的实证分析和国际比较,可以得出如下结论:(1) 1990年代以来,我国第一产业就业已达到饱和并开始排斥劳动力,第二产业吸纳劳动力的能力下降,第三产业已成为吸纳劳动力的主要产业。

The maximization and complicating of the structure has created the enormous social economic benefits, but also has introduced more factors difficult to predict , has enriched its accidented with sudden , calamity , cutting off and social.


A simple way of saving the memory space is using the 256 ASCII codesby functions such as ACHAR(I and IACHAR in Fortran Compiler to represent 28 egg patterns (or less than 256 patterns). For examples: 00000000 to 11111111 has 256 egg patterns for yes/no data of eight days; 00000 to 22222 (system of no egg, one egg and two eggs) has 35 patterns for egg production of five days; and 0000 to 3333 has 44 patterns for system of no egg, one egg, two eggs and abnormal eggs in four days…etc.

利用诸如 Fortran Compiler提供的 ACHAR 与 IACHAR 对应函数与自建的转换对照表,可以256 (=28)个ASCII字元储存各类变化的产蛋记录;如28 (00000000→11111111):八天的&有生蛋、没生蛋&的资料或是35 (56):五天的&没生蛋、一个蛋、两个蛋&的资料或是 44(0000→3333):四天的&没生蛋、一个正常蛋、两个正常蛋、异常蛋&的资料EEE等。

The paper through the mechanism which produces to the asphalt road surface water harm carries on the induction to summarize, as well as the different type bituminous mixture water stability has carried on a series of contrasts experiment to several kind of different aggregates and the asphalt adherency, has analyzed the aggregate and the asphalt adherency and the bituminous mixture water stability; Meanwhile moves the water action mechanism take the pavement structure in as the key point, in the basis room experiments to the design half rigid base bituminous mixture test sample carries on washes out the experiment, the observation test sample and washes out when the number of times increase along with the time variation the basic unit wash load situation, has analyzed the water to the bituminous pavement various structures level damage rule; To immerses under the condition using the ANASYS finite element software the bituminous pavement structure level the stress to carry on the analysis computation, and analyzed the bituminous pavement according to the computed result to produce the unboiled water harm the rule, further to understand the structure level produced the unboiled water harm the rule.


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Morning Has Broken
God Has Come To Earth
Rumour Has It
God Has Smiled on Me
Still Has A Hold
It Has To Be You, It Has To Be Me
One Has My Name (The Other Has My Heart)
One Has My Name (The Other Has My Heart)
One Has My Name (The Other Has My Heart)
Nothing That Has Happened So Far Has Been Anything We Could Control

Shop assistant: Please check at the door.


In the end, transportation of PAHs in the environmental matrix was preliminarily investigated and discussed according to PAHs data of soils and sediments from a certain region in Shanghai. The result indicated that there are two or more pathways on PAHs transportation in the environmental matrix.


Quick stop! AIDS doctors while the side and say hello and colleagues mention a blood sample box, the Red Cross had sent blankets and so on, with patients有说有笑to go home.
