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In the extensional rheometric tests, the occurrence of phenomena of "strain hardening1relied on the structure of linear long chains, and mPE didn"t show the behavior of "strain hardening", which implied that the melt strength of mPE was poor.


Potential solutions of the manufacturing problem include hardening the film solidness or balancing the exposure density.


Results: In 2007, we provided 602 SPET/CT services in myocardial perfusion scan for attenuation correction and 202 SPET/CT services in other scans for image fusion. Among 64 regional bone SPET/CT services, we noted 2 (3.13%) significant motion artifacts and 2 (3.13%) streak artifacts induced by beam hardening effect while among 25 Ga-67 local SPET/CT services. According to the features including low tube currents and slow rotating speed of this SPET/CT, some problems such as the patient safety, longer scan time, alignment mismatch and radiation protection would be analyzed and discussed.


The experiment results indicate that a hardened layer is obtained on the surface of the materials after two kinds of surface hardening. Microstructure of the hardened layer is fine spiculate martensite which can help to improve the wear and friction properties of the materials.


Technology of laser hardening surface of diesel locomotive camshaft using austenite-bainite nodular-iron instead of 20Cr has been systematically elaborated on,which includes a series of measurements such as mechanism of choosing austenite-bainite nodular-iron and it's pretreatment,ascertaining laser technological parameter,spiry laser scanning strip,designing four-motor control devise using microcomputer and so on.

阐述用奥贝球铁代替 2 0Cr制造内燃机车凸轮轴的激光表面强化的工艺过程,其中包括奥贝球铁的选择、激光工艺参数的确定、螺旋激光扫描带、四联动微机控制装置的设计等。研究表明,用奥贝球铁代替 2 0Cr制造凸轮轴,经激光表面强化后,能获得更均匀的硬度分布和更高的硬度值。

To enhance computational efficiency, mechanical subelement model is incorporated, for simulating material hardening properties, in the hybrid/mixed finite element analysis of finite deformation problems.


Their argument is based on the plastic work Wp being the controlling tactor in hardening.


The difference between strict terminism and other doctrines is that the time limit is set by God, not by the individual's hardening his own heart.


Until the 20th cent. there were three great developments in architectural construction—the post-and-lintel, or trabeated, system; the arch system, either the cohesive type, employing plastic materials hardening into a homogeneous mass, or the thrust type, in which the loads are received and counterbalanced at definite points; and the modern steel-skeleton system.

直到20美分。有三个巨大的发展,建筑施工,后和门楣,或trabeated ,系统;拱系统,无论是一致的类型,采用塑料材料硬化成一个单一的质量,或类型的主旨,其中负载收到并在一定的平衡点;与现代钢骨架系统。

The results also show that as the hardening coefficient decreases, the transitionally zone becomes larger and the distribution of the stress in the yield zone becomes more plat.


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Hardening Of The Arteries

Because the relationship between the roller with ink performance, a printing plate to business card printing and membership card making text, pattern of clarity.


Intuitively, Urban Maximum Flux Principle is to calculate or sense interplays, correlations or complexity of relational reality, and then maximize it under constraints.


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