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与 hand-pick 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This sword was left behind by a previous party when they retook the Severed Hand from the forces of the Chimera, and it has been empowered with all of their wealth and experiences.

这把剑来自于以前的一个冒险团。当他们从chimera手中解救了Severed Hand 之后,这把武器因为他们的财富和经验而变得强大。

Look the unseen bade him, the voice which now communicated with him who was the greatest of mankind, Septimus, lately taken from life to death, the Lord who had come to renew society, who lay like a coverlet, a snow blanket smitten only by the sun, for ever unwasted, suffering for ever, the scapegoat, the eternal sufferer, but he did not want it, he moaned, putting from him with a wave of his hand that eternal suffering, that eternal loneliness.

看着那些他所无视的东西,那声音现在在和他交流,他是人类中的一个优秀的个体, Septimus ,不久后将被夺去生命走向死亡,上帝前来让这个世界新陈代谢,不断更新,他躺在那里就像一条轻薄的被单,一条雪毯,只有太阳照耀着,永远都不浪费,永远遭受苦难,这个替罪羊,永久的受罪者,但是这一切并不是他所情愿经受的,他呻吟着, putting from him with a wave of his hand that eternal suffering ,那永远的孤独。

You must have overplayed your hand or she wouldn't have taken off her gloves to you like that!

做得太过火了 overplay one's hand 你一定时做得太过火了,否则她不会对你如此不依不饶的。

Therefore it is interesting to clone genes related to lemma and palea. In this thesis, six genes from the lemma/palea related gene pool which is established by Liu (2003) were further studied. Those genes are salT gene (salt-induced protein), GA-SPY gene (gibberellin action negative regulator SPY-related protein), U2AF gene (U2 snRNP auxiliary factor, small subunit-related protein), kinesin-like gene, DnaJ-like gene, and EF hand gene. At first, the gene expression in leaves and 1~4 cm inflorescences of normal lemma/palea, smaller lemma/palea, and stunted lemma/palea was compared by Real Time RT-PCR.

从刘(2003)所建立水稻颖花发育相关候选基因库中,挑选6个基因:salT基因(salt-induced protein)、GA-SPY基因(gibberellin action negative regulator SPY-related protein)、U2AF基因(U2 snRNP auxiliary factor,small subunit-related protein)、kinesin-like基因、DnaJ-like基因、及EF hand基因,以水稻正常型颖花、小颖花突变体及内外颖退化突变体之叶片及1~4公分幼花序为材料,利用Real-Time RT-PCR分析,发现salT基因在突变体幼花序中大量表现。

His booth is featured in Bartholomew Fair by Hogarth with a sign that says "Dexterity of Hand."

他在Bartholomew展销会的摊位被标为&Dexterity of Hand&。

It utilizes the highest quality genuine hand-rolled art glass, and offers a wide array of products that employs the process of copper foil technique.


After just completing a mammoth 27 date UK tour with Yorkshire ska-metallers RANDOM HAND throughout October and a successful tour in The Netherlands and Belgium in November, This year has also seen them tour with such bands as LA legends THE DICKIES, Californias ARMY OF FRESHMEN, Philadelphias ZOLOF THE ROCK AND ROLL DESTROYER, USELESS ID from Israel, as well as performing alongside stalwarts of the UK punk rock scene THE KING BLUES and SONIC BOOM SIX.

去年10月份他们与来自约克郡的金属乐队Random Hand一起完成了多达27场演出的英国巡回演出, 11月份又在荷兰与比利时成功的进行了巡回演出。除此以外他们还与众多美国知名乐队在英国进行了演出。他们由英国著名制作人Peter Miles制做的新专辑将于近期内在全球发行。

"He took the handle of the tool by hand and handed it to me.


When investing in a business, he always likes to play a lone hand.

单枪匹马 play a lone hand 在投资时,他总喜欢单枪匹马的去干。

They are always glad to give you a hand.


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Hand In Hand With The Damned
Walk Hand In Hand
Put Your Hand In The Hand
Put Your Hand In The Hand
Give A Hand, Take A Hand
Give A Hand Take A Hand
Hand In Hand
Hand In My Hand
Hand In Hand
Hand In Hand

This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
