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hand to hand相关的网络例句

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与 hand to hand 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It is attributed to Jomo Kenyatta, Kenya's independence leader, that the white man came to Africa with a gospel in hand to show the Africans the God that dwelled in the heavens; and while the Africans were searching for God in the sky, the white man robbed their land.


Best of all I like to hear him tell of his earlier days when he sold liniments and cough cures on street corners, living hand to mouth, heart to heart with the people, throwing heads or tails with fortune for his last coin.


This feature is very conspicuous, to take a single example, in "the Protestation of allegiance" drawn up by thirteen missioners, 31 Jan., 1603, in which they renounce all thought of "restoring the Catholic religion by the sword", profess their willingness "to persuade all Catholics to do the same" and conclude by declaring themselves ready on the one hand "to spend their blood in the defence of her Majesty" but on the other "rather to lose their lives than infringe the lawful authority of Christ's Catholic Church" Tierney-Dodd, III, p.

这一特点很突出,采取单一例如,在&抗议效忠&拟定了13个传教士, 1603年1月31号,他们在放弃一切思想的&恢复天主教的剑&,信奉自己的愿意&说服所有的天主教徒也这样做&,并宣布结束自己的准备,一方面&花他们的血液在捍卫她的陛下&,但对其他&,而失去他们的生命比侵犯合法授权的基督天主教会&(蒂尔尼-多德,三,山口趋)。

Though to get all the way there he had to do himself, she explained, gesturing with a hand to show she meant that to reach orgasm he had to wank himself.


His promise was to do everything in his power to stop Iran acquiring nuclear weapons, while also extending his hand to countries that unclenched their fists.


On the other hand, to learn abvnt the college students, habit of physical training and to find ont the factors affecting the formation of good physical trining habit is the key to the fulfllment of the task of physical education in colleges.


"Clean out treasure to be opposite business door 3 years free acceptance is about to expire, and the platform of electronic business affairs that Baidu is about to roll out will continue Gao Qing is free old standard, offer the stablest and reliable net to hand in easy support for the user."


The atmosphere. You have to hand it to the Scousers, their ground is a cauldron compared to Stamford Bridge.


My this year already 47 years old, for a lifetime from not have putout a hand to the government and our party, the life is againdifficult, all own try to find solution to solve and to overcome.


With regard to the admission of postulants the law provides for every precaution being taken, on the one hand, to prevent coercion and, on the other, to safeguard the community from being obliged to receive those about whose vocation there may be any doubt.


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Hand To Mouth
I Want To Hold Your Hand
Only Hand You'll Need To Hold
Hand To Mouth
Hand To Mouth
I Want To Hold Your Hand
Born To Hand Jive
Hand To Hold On To
Hand To Mouth
A Hand To Take Hold Of The Scene

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
